I'm getting tired of seeing cities get destroyed and innocents killed during these punch-ups, it's not shocking anymore and there doesn't seem to be any consequence to it. Like, the city they begin the fight in gets flattened like it had an atomic bomb dropped on it, but there's no reaction to it aside from Oliver, and he's only concerned because he knows Invincible is in the middle of it and could've been killed, but we all know he's gonna survive. Conquest also repeats Omni-Man's move of using Invincible to plough through a crowd of civilians, but the former case was more shocking because it was Omni-Man doing it to his own son, this time just didn't have the same impact. Over the last two episodes we've seen major cities destroyed across the globe, but this episode barely mentions the impact, aside from a passing line about rebuilding, and at the end we even see people going about their lives in a city that's back to normal, is it supposed to be the same place? The Pentagon's already close to fully repaired despite being attacked, what, three days prior? It took NYC eight months to clean up after 9/11, these places are gonna be ruins for years.