Free Man
I finally watched Inglourious Basterds yesterday with my lady, and we both agreed that it's a mediocre -if not bad- film.
One of the highlights was Christoph Waltz's performance which was outstanding and really amusing.
The second highlight was that
There were a few scenes really nice -like the scene in the French tavern-
but in general it was a boring watch with a small number of Tarantino signatures.
The scenario, I found it not tight at all, some solutions were given out of the blue to the point of ridicule.
The music which normally is a high feature in his films, now it was an epic failure.
Brad Pitt's role it was amusing at times, like a caricature of old American films, but too much predicted, so it failed to amuse me.
In overall, that was easy my worst Tarantino, even worst that Death Proof.
At the end me and my lady came to the conclusion that Tarantino shoots whatever, then put his name on it and sells it.
Though I really enjoyed Kill Bill (vol 2) I think that the last really good film of Tarantino was Jackie Brown.
One of the highlights was Christoph Waltz's performance which was outstanding and really amusing.
The second highlight was that
some good characters were killed -though I would have preferred a Nazi victory at the end for a change 

There were a few scenes really nice -like the scene in the French tavern-
but in general it was a boring watch with a small number of Tarantino signatures.
The scenario, I found it not tight at all, some solutions were given out of the blue to the point of ridicule.
The music which normally is a high feature in his films, now it was an epic failure.
Brad Pitt's role it was amusing at times, like a caricature of old American films, but too much predicted, so it failed to amuse me.
In overall, that was easy my worst Tarantino, even worst that Death Proof.
At the end me and my lady came to the conclusion that Tarantino shoots whatever, then put his name on it and sells it.
Though I really enjoyed Kill Bill (vol 2) I think that the last really good film of Tarantino was Jackie Brown.