Genghis Khan said:I've seen the modern western 3:10 to Yuma, which has been hailed as the best one since Unforgiven. The movie did not disappoint.
____no5 said:I'm *courently* seeing "little fish" with the wonderfull Tracy =Cate Blanchett (I didn't knew her -she's powerfull and realy beautifull)
it's a nice story (Australian production) about some ex-junkies during their post-junk era
I'm really touched about this film, that guy Johnny (Dustin Nguyen) makes me think of meself a little bit
another one very nice and touchy Australian production
I'm about in the middle of the film (and doing a little pause)
but I'm really excited and curious to see if Tracy and Johnny will remain to be clean or not
and also what will happen to them as a couple
except them, the other main characters (Lionel, Tracy's mother, brother) in this film are special and fragile personnages
and one's wondering if and how will be beaten at the end fits wonderfully with the story line and prepares us that something bad will happen to the end -well, soon I'll know
well... I'm leaving you now -pause's over time to watch the suite
...well, the second half is less interesting,
asI would have prefered it more focuced on social issues than the way that story went finallysome things aren't explained enough, and there is a "deux ex machina" solution too
still a good watch though
Onhell said:That's quite the cast. Blanchet, Neill and Weaving. Kate blew me away with Elizabeth (the first one, haven't seen the sequel) and she's collected a good body of quality work. I'm going to look into it, thanks No. 5.
national acrobat said:Has anyone seen Chemical Wedding yet? My copy arrived yesterday, hopefully I'll have a chance to watch it some time this week.
Forostar said:Not yet. Perhaps I'll purchase the DVD, which contains a lot of extra with Bruce I reckon(?)
Natalie said:Just saw Batman: The Dark Knight last night. What with all the hype surrounding Heath Ledger's performance as Joker I haveto say that I wasn't as wowed by his performance as I might have been. Still, it was a good character portrayal, very creepy. The entire movie was something of a different superhero movie, with creepy parts, lots of dark, sinister bits, and plenty of insanity. I quite liked it, although it left more of a disturbing impression than a satisfying one. The only thing I didn't like were the amount of explosions and the length of the movie. Especially after the jail scene I felt like I was waiting for when the movie would reach its real climax and end. But go see it, its worth every cent.