Watched "Reality," with Sidney Sweeney. It's based on the true story of ex Airforce airperson Reality Winner who was working at the NSA as a translator. She spoke Pashto, Farsi and another language, I forget, and wanted to get higher clearance to be sent abroad to Afghanistan. However, she leaked an article from an internal magazine confirming Russian interference in the 2016 elections. The movie uses the transcription of the FBI recordings as the script and just reenacts them. Thus the whole movie is just the FBI agents showing up at her house with a search warrant and eventually getting a confirmation/confession that she indeed took that article and sent it to the online paper The Interceptor. While some of the information in the movie is redacted, because it is redacted in the documents, a quick google search tells you everything. She was given the longest sentence (5 years) for any said case under the Espionage Act. The movie also shows, albeit briefly, the aftermath where she is paraded as a traitor, an enemy of freedom and someone who "hates" America. Keep in mind The document she leaked confirmed Russian interference, something the government had been denying, yet clearly knew about and somehow she's made out to be the bad guy. Also, the Interceptor came under fire for not protecting their source. Shit storm all around.