Whether one likes the films or not is subjective. But for a humorous, yet objective, critic as to why the prequels do honest to goodness suck (beyond the wooden acting of EVERYBODY) I suggest viewing the following:
I do not think that Ewan McGregor's acting was wooden in the slightest. McGregor's Obi-Wan is one of my favourite character in Star Wars. Definitely the favourite on the good side. And apart from the love story, I don't necessarily find them that bad when it comes to writing. Lucas went for a Shakespearean feel, and to me - it works. To others it doesn't. It is a certain kind of feel that I tend to like - something less than perfect that works even better because of it - an argument I have driven to death lately. It's charming in a way. For example, Ian McDiarmid is mostly a stage actor - and he does these kind of lines really convincing.
I think the best thing in The Phantom Menace is Jar-Jar.
Not exactly a fan of Jar Jar but I do not find him nearly as bad or irritating as he is given credit for.