If this is accurate, the film will be a SEQUEL (!?) to the books and the TV series a prequel? Can you say disaster? Who thought this would be a good idea? Why not a more direct adaptation attempt like the lord of the rings films?
A direct adaptation would have involved a fourth film taking place to 99% when the protagonist is 14 years old (or left that out entirely). Which is now what the TV-series adapts. As for the idea of the films being a sequel, this is very spoilerish, so unless you want the ending to the whole bookseries revealed, don't click:
The story is revealed to be cyclical, and it ends as it began, with minor differences. As Roland walks through the door at the top of the Dark Tower, he is thrown back to where the story began, with no memories of what's happened. Though a small change indicates that it's not an eternal cycle, but a journey towards a final redemption - or so most readers have interpreted it. The films will show his final redemption. Hollywood wouldn't have wanted a major film series with that kind of ending, so how about this?
I'm not convinced it will be a good film, and definitely not convinced that this idea about a TV-series to run along with it is good - but I'll be there at the premiere for the film to see for myself.