Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart (1994)

Stratovarius - Holy Light

From my playlist of the best instrumentals.
Metal instrumentals! ''Holy Light'' is a really cool instrumental. I really like the speed metal riffing and the last part of the song (3:30-) - it sounds so classic, ancient and captivating. I love such melodies. The use of acoustic guitar is a great idea. ''Babylon'' and Rainbow vibe. Stratovarius and HammerFall always have good instrumentals. Strange ending.?
Manowar has released it's own Clansman or Death of the Celts Scotts. And The Angel and the Gambler in terms of repetitiveness. 5 minute song turned into 10min song. Of course, lyrics are the same old fight, sword, battle, believing. Nevertheless, I like it. To me it's good enough. Old men singing about no surrender. It's sad, but at the same time uplifting.

...and yes, you can sense Bilbo and Frodo in this one.
...and one more time... Eric's voice is ONE OF TITANS
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