I like the intro, riffs and wild (kill em all) guitar solos, musically very good, I don't like the melody of the vocals and the structure of the song it's too long in my opinion. Anyway it's the best song of the three that they have released at this point.Can't say it's an unpleasant listen but James seems to be Harrissed as a songwriter. Next he'll form American Puma band and he'll start doing pubs.
Night Demon - Outsider
This album rules.
View attachment 25137
Artist: Night Demon
Album Title: Outsider
Release Date: 2023 (Album No. 30)
Style: Metal
Recommended by @MrKnickerbocker
Ghost's best German metal album that has been released on the second half of 1983.
So I have never listened to that album before, except the title track of course. My all time favourite was Restless and Wild. Anyway after @GhostofCain's constant praise I decided to give it a spin. Wow!
Title track opens the album very strongly but frankly it's one of the "worse" songs there. Special praise to Fight It Back and Winter Dreams which closes the album with a magnificent way. Kudos!
View attachment 25146