I didn't like this album upon first hearing it back in the early 2000s. Thought Attila's voice sounded like a dying cat. Didn't take to it at all. Gave it away. Funny how we change as we get older for I am obviously liking what you are posting
It took me some time to get used to Attila's voice back then too, so different from "normal" black metal vocals.I didn't like this album upon first hearing it back in the early 2000s. Thought Attila's voice sounded like a dying cat. Didn't take to it at all. Gave it away. Funny how we change as we get older for I am obviously liking what you are postingGoing to revisit this album. I liked Attila's return on Ord Ad Chao and Esoteric Warfare. I didn't like the former at first but grew to like it. Liked EW also. Haven't listened to Daemon yet.