Now Playing (Video Games)

I like the steam deck and have been tempted, it mostly just comes down to liking Nintendo’s first party offerings enough that it’s sufficient for the amount of gaming I do (+ titles that are generally cross platform and available anywhere).

I will be curious how Switch 2 stacks up against the steam deck though. Nintendo tends to be good at being on the cutting edge of things but then struggles to keep up when a competitor outdoes them.
Provided the launch lineup is good there's a good chance I'll pick up Switch 2 day one. I love the core idea of the switch (even if I mainly play handheld) so all I really wanted was a beefier version of what we already had.
@Edington @CA Bryers
Now when I've read your posts I actually remembered what my biggest gripe with Knight was - repetition. I loved Riddler's trophies in the previous one but IIRC there were over 200 here and it was the only side mission I didn't do. All of those that I did were just a single mission repeated 3 or 4 times (Firefly, Two-Face, Penguin etc.). So, once you did the first step in side mission, there was no excitement really, and felt like a chore. As per Batmobile, once I got used to controls, I liked those tank missions. Races not so much.
35+ hours in Red Dead Redemption 2 and I'm still somewhere in middle of third act (out of 6 I think). Game is great. All praises were well earned. Game have some issues with controlls on a horse but other than that - it is a shame that I didn't played earlier.
I really loved RDR2, I think it is mostly a masterpiece. My second playthrough was just as rewarding as the first, perhaps moreso. I will certainly do a third in a few years - a stellar achievement in videogaming.
Can you compare RDR and RDR2 in terms of quality/playability?
I played RDR long time ago but didn't finish it because whole time I had this feeling "Man, I wish I was playing GTA"