Now Playing (Video Games)

I'm also perfectly happy with my consoles. Nintendo first party games require their consoles anyway. The majority of games I play are perfectly fine on console and I don't need to worry about optimization or performanfe. And in the case of Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, I don't have to wait for the exclusivity period to be over for them to get ported to PC.

My main computer is a mac and mostly used for music production. If I want to play games consoles are more than enough.
I'm more than happy to use both - I have over 100 games in my Xbox library, a friend of mine gifted me PS4 so that I could play Bloodborne (and I bought God of War: Ragnarok there, although I haven't yet played it - but it might be good for other exclusives) and I have a gaming laptop where I can play stuff that doesn't really suit consoles all that well, older games etc. And even then - it took a while to re-learn playing FPS on a controller (primarily 2016 Doom and Eternal), but I think I got really good at it, eventually.

So, yes, I can take gaming with me when on a business trip or to play when wifey wants the TV and yet I can pour me a drink, sit in a comfortable chair and play on a huge TV on a console without a problem. I really love the games that have cross-progression - especial nod goes to Witcher 3, which - as such a long game - is absolutely amazing, since I can cross-save between PC, Xbox and wifey's Switch (and btw, I must admit the Switch Witcher port is beyond incredible).

I was kinda worried - I bought Baldur's Gate 3 on console (for several reasons), but as it was supposed to be this old-school RPG, I was wondering if it's going to be playable on console, but it's absolutely amazing. Same goes for Diablo 2 and 3, who if anything, might actually play better on xbox (turning it from a click-fest to an arcade of sorts).
Four evenings I've spent with Baldur's Gate 3 so far, some 16 hours taken altogether and although I must admit that it wasn't supposed to be my thing, for several reasons, it is. In fact, I don't usually say stuff like that, but I'd say that whatever your preferences are, if you didn't give the game 9/10 or 10/10, then you must be stupid somehow. Like, literally, there must be something wrong with you. I've decided to dabble in it in a very reserved manner, to find out "what the youngsters are talking about" and I'm this close to calling it nearly a perfect game.

(no, my "best games ever" are still others, like Planescape: Torment, RDR2 and others, but this one is really close).

In a way, it reminds me of the LOTR trilogy by Jackson - indie passion and obsessiveness, but with AAA budget. A rather complex, uncomprimising game that really is about DnD (5 edition or not), and yet its presentation, craft and overall ... pizzazz are enough to bring in the casuals, the mainstream, the whosoever hates this type of game and after playing this, becomes a fan.

Seriously, I have no fucking idea how they did it. This is a lightning in a bottle, really.
Four evenings I've spent with Baldur's Gate 3 so far, some 16 hours taken altogether and although I must admit that it wasn't supposed to be my thing, for several reasons, it is. In fact, I don't usually say stuff like that, but I'd say that whatever your preferences are, if you didn't give the game 9/10 or 10/10, then you must be stupid somehow. Like, literally, there must be something wrong with you. I've decided to dabble in it in a very reserved manner, to find out "what the youngsters are talking about" and I'm this close to calling it nearly a perfect game.

(no, my "best games ever" are still others, like Planescape: Torment, RDR2 and others, but this one is really close).

In a way, it reminds me of the LOTR trilogy by Jackson - indie passion and obsessiveness, but with AAA budget. A rather complex, uncomprimising game that really is about DnD (5 edition or not), and yet its presentation, craft and overall ... pizzazz are enough to bring in the casuals, the mainstream, the whosoever hates this type of game and after playing this, becomes a fan.

Seriously, I have no fucking idea how they did it. This is a lightning in a bottle, really.

This is EXACTLY how I felt with the Witcher III. Oh, Imma check it out to see what the hype is about.... easily a top 3 game for me. And currently this is what's happened with Octopath Traveler. I wanted something nice and relaxing and I've seriously haven't played anything else. This game has completely absorbed me, from the art style to the gameplay and soundtrack. Everything else has been placed on the back burner. Well... almost.

I've been playing DOA 6 to destress. The "story" mode sucks ass, completely disjointed and disconnected. Never played 5, but 4 was your usual fighting game formula where you pick a character and you fight all others with them, reach the "big boss" kick their ass and get your unique ending sequence. It's been like that since Street Fighter 2. Now you watch 20 second clips of "story" and SOMETIMES there's a fight. You don't get to pick the fighters as they are predetermined by the story and all and all it is incredibly stupid and dissatisfying. So I've spent my time improving my skills in survival and time attack modes. I also find the "Quests" pretty fun. DOA 4 has to be my favorite, but as a time killing fighting game it's fine. Well... it's fine, because I got the "core fighters" for free initially and then the full game at deep discount. Otherwise I'd say it is VERY overpriced.
Blasphemous II... Oh my God, fuck Eviterno. I thought Crisanta was tough in the first, he's like her dialed up to eleven, I can barely get a single hit on his second phase.
Git gud, lol. :p

Seriously though, it was the only harder bossfight in the game for me - I don't know what weapon you use, but I found out that using Sarmiento and Centella (the fast sword-dagger combo) makes the fight much much easier.
The only other boss I had hassle with was Odón of the Confraternity of Salt (badass name btw), but even then I could at least whittle his health down a fair way before he defeated me. All the other bosses have been as expected, hard, but I didn't feel that I'd never beat them. I also beat Sinodo on my second try, which I don't think I've managed with any boss in either game before.

I'm using the fully upgraded Ruego Al Alba for the most part, its mid-speed, mid-damage style suits my playstyle well, and the Blood Pact is useful to claw back some health and dish out some extra damage. I'll do some grinding for some more Marks of Martyrdom and come back with S&C once they're fully upgraded too.
I think I used Ruego also the most throughout the game, but while I think Eviterno is probably doable with every weapon, switching to S&C made me beat him in just a few attempts, IIRC, definitely that very evening.
I’m an Xbox guy (been one since 360) but I have a crisis: I need Silent Hill 2 remake in my life but I don’t have a PS5. I adored the original (really didn’t like SH3 though). Anyone else looking forward to the remake?

Got the Doom + Doom II remaster and been having a blast with it. Such nostalgia, and the gameplay still holds up. Fun as hell.

Has anyone played Star Wars Outlaws yet? It’s definitely my next big investment, but I’m gonna hold off on getting it until the obligatory day one issues are fixed (par for the course with most games now, sadly).

Also looking forward to Metroid Prime 4, whenever it’s released (probably 2034).
I’m an Xbox guy (been one since 360) but I have a crisis: I need Silent Hill 2 remake in my life but I don’t have a PS5. I adored the original (really didn’t like SH3 though). Anyone else looking forward to the remake?

I bought the enhanced edition for Xbox (2+3 combined) mainly for 2 (I played about half of 3, but was already oversaturated by that point) and I enjoyed it (also, it was really cheap). I know people complain about it, but I have no idea why.

Got the Doom + Doom II remaster and been having a blast with it. Such nostalgia, and the gameplay still holds up. Fun as hell.

I have the original levels of 1 and 2 way too overplayed nowadays, even TNT Evilution and Plutonia, the two "official" level packs for 2. Back at the university I was really into the additional fan-made WADS (level multipacks) - Memento Mori 1 and 2, Hell Revealed, Icarus... but primarily Alien Vendetta - that's a complete masterpiece. The last levels are a bit too hard, on the speedrunner side of things, but the visual design, the inventiveness, the general fun I had with it, it was amazing.

Has anyone played Star Wars Outlaws yet? It’s definitely my next big investment, but I’m gonna hold off on getting it until the obligatory day one issues are fixed (par for the course with most games now, sadly).

I haven't even played Survivor yet (and I'm kinda looking forward that one) - I spent my money on the Elden Ring DLC, Alan Wake 1 and 2, Baldur's Gate 3 and now I'm waiting for Lies of P DLC and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, both are supposed to come out this year and that's more than enough money spent on games already.

The remastered Doom + Doom II has both TNT and Plutonia, which I just beat (I greatly preferred the latter). It also has the master levels, No Rest for the Living, Sigil, and a new expansion called Legacy of Rust with new weapons and demons. It also has mod support for all the WADs you could want. Well worth the $10 if you ask me.

I’ll definitely check out Alien Vendetta.

The Alan Wake games are cool. The first one is more action and the second plays more like the recent RE remakes, but both are quality. I’ve heard rumors of a Max Payne remake, so I’m pretty pumped for that.

Jedi Survivor is a lot like Fallen Order but with a couple huge explorable planets and the ability to ride some creatures. Well worth the time for any Star Wars fan.

Has anyone played Star Wars Outlaws yet? It’s definitely my next big investment, but I’m gonna hold off on getting it until the obligatory day one issues are fixed (par for the course with most games now, sadly).

- have seen some good faith reactions and I'm definitely giving this one a pass until it's on sale. And I say that as someone who's actually enjoyed most of Assassin's Creed up to and including Valhalla, so it's no irrational hatred of Ubisoft, really. But I also gave a pass on Mirage (despite being quite intrigued by the setting) and I definitely will give a pass on Shadows - I probably will go back and re-play the entire series and I'll check both out then, but who knows when that happens.

I suppose that for a really huge SW fan (i. e. a bigger one than me) it will probably have its charm for the atmosphere and setting alone, but it looks really mid - I don't mind an inoffensive "game for everyone", but I'm certainly not spending the insane launch money on that.

BTW - I'm toying with the idea of buying Phantom Liberty and replaying Cyberpunk, which I DNF'd back in the day (got it for the old gen console then, heh) after I finish the Witcher 3 replay.

Good call on skipping Mirage. The game was fine, but quite underwhelming compared to Origins and especially Odyssey. It was a much smaller map with mostly a big city, and the quests and characters didn’t draw me in much. I liked Valhalla, but I don’t think it was as strong as the previous two games. I am looking forward to Shadows, though, simply because I love ninja stuff.

Man, I loved Cyberpunk; it was like an open world Deus Ex (another series I adore). I definitely recommend Phantom Liberty.

I’ve started Witcher 3 twice over the last decade and never made it too far in either playthrough. I want to like it, but it just never clicked with me like Cyberpunk did.

Good call on skipping Mirage. The game was fine, but quite underwhelming compared to Origins and especially Odyssey. It was a much smaller map with mostly a big city, and the quests and characters didn’t draw me in much. I liked Valhalla, but I don’t think it was as strong as the previous two games. I am looking forward to Shadows, though, simply because I love ninja stuff.

Man, I loved Cyberpunk; it was like an open world Deus Ex (another series I adore). I definitely recommend Phantom Liberty.

I’ve started Witcher 3 twice over the last decade and never made it too far in either playthrough. I want to like it, but it just never clicked with me like Cyberpunk did.
I finished Cyberpunk three times in 100%. Now I'm thinking that maybe it is time to do 100% for main game and for phantom liberty, because I have a feeling that with phantom liberty I've missed a lot. One of greatest games ever for me - no question asked.

Witcher 3 was also great. I wanted to do another walkthrough but I've got bored - last time I did all quests in main game & dlc's. I always feel urge to do everything in a game so there is not so much fun in replays.
Yesterday I finished Shadow of the Erdtree, which means my solo STR (re-)run of all the from games I posses is finished.
A bit of a late reply but I've recently returned to Elden Ring from a long hiatus (finished it at release and didn't replay due to a compulsion to clear every dungeon) in order to play the DLC. I just beat Malenia again tonight (in about 5-10 tries, a significant improvement on the first time round) so Mohg is the last shardbearer left from the base game.
Blasphemous II... Oh my God, fuck Eviterno.

Nailed that fucker. Did a little backtracking, completed some stray sidequests to get my health up and some additional bile flasks, upgraded S&C. Also finally utilised a few of the Resonances by combining Altarpiece figures, the one where lightning strikes whenever you dodge was mighty handy.
Nailed that fucker. Did a little backtracking, completed some stray sidequests to get my health up and some additional bile flasks, upgraded S&C. Also finally utilised a few of the Resonances by combining Altarpiece figures, the one where lightning strikes whenever you dodge was mighty handy.

Good job, mate.

I wish I knew where I am in Control. I did the Former boss and the Anchor boss - neither was too hard, but they had some mechanics that I found slightly tedious - now I'm finishing the "4 cursed objects" quest and then I'm off to see Emily about Dylan.

In general, I like it much more than Alan Wake, which is something I still can't quite believe. I mean, like I said, I've always been a Twin Peaks bloke more than an X-Files bloke, but the atmosphere, the gameplay (oh, it's so smooth - from soft games aside, I don't think I've played something with such satisfying combat since Hogwarts Legacy), the protagonist (she has tons of charisma, unlike Wake, sorry)... overall it's reeeeeally a cool game. There's much fewer references to Max Payne (apart from the "665, the neighbour of the beast"), but that's okay. I hope Alan Wake 2 will be closer to this one than to 1.
Played through the first episode of The Expanse Telltale game, and so far it’s very true to the license, using the music from the TV show as well as the voices and likenesses of the TV show characters that have appeared so far, including the main character Camina Drummer. The zero-G movement mechanics are pretty intuitive, the game engine is a major improvement over past Telltale games, and there are some big narrative decisions just like you’d expect.

It looks like the game was done by Deck Nine, who did a couple of Life Is Strange games, so they’re well inside their wheelhouse. Good stuff so far.
BTW, @Onhell have you played Alien: Isolation? (I'm too lazy to search the thread).

I was reminded of it during Control - and I just now realise why - because the video logs in both games were actually videotaped :D

But other than that, Alien: Isolation is an absolutely sublime game in many aspects - I like how it was intentionaly retro - with the developers actually going out of their way to recapture the 70s feel of the original movie, I like how the game keeps shifting things, so that the enemies and the areas and your means are recontextualised and despite the game being on the longer side, it still feels fresh, because they find new ways how to challenge the player and the game never becomes a monotonous routine, I like the AI of the Alien and in general, that's one of my favourite games, really.

I just specifically thought of you because we were discussing horror stuff some time ago.