'Til Tomorrow

Watch A Guy Beat Sekiro In Two Hours, Blindfolded
It seems FromSoftware's games are clearly far too easy

Probably true, but this is also arguably part of a long-term cycle of consolidation followed by market disruption and/or anti-trust actions, followed by reconsolidation. So it may not be dystopic yet.Also we're looking into consolidation of all consumer media. I see a route where entire A-level American movie, music, games and infotainment production ends under a single supra-corporation made from 5-6 Fortune 100 listed companies.
Microsoft didn't buy Blizzard, they bought Activision. Blizzard are a decent developer of games but Activision, their parent company, are an absolute shit-show of amoral and unethical behavior toward their employees. Microsoft buying them is a good move. Maybe they can dump their shitty higher ups and allow Blizzard to flourish once again.![]()
Blizzard gets a lot of justified hate recently. Never the less, this merger is, for me, a sign of an absolute disaster of a system. Blizzard was on the forefront of gaming for a long time. They've earned their market by decades of high quality products that have pushed boundaries and technologies ahead. It's an ideal free market fairytale if you skip the ending where you're bought out by an oligarch who's known for "embrace, extend, extinguish" and cartel-level vendor deals.
Also we're looking into consolidation of all consumer media. I see a route where entire A-level American movie, music, games and infotainment production ends under a single supra-corporation made from 5-6 Fortune 100 listed companies.
RDR2 was pretty playable on my 1050ti (desktop pc) although idk how the mobile pascal gpu fares.I’m looking to buy a midrange computer with GTX 1070 or equivalent because RDR2 on my laptop with 1050 Ti is unplayable. I need to gather some money to make that purchase, though.
I also need to do this.And I still need to get back to Star Trek: Elite Force II.
Unashamedly about 60 hours in. Absolute masterpiece of a game and I'm nowhere near I'm nearly 18 hours in Elden Ring.
Is Elden Ring essentially a Dark Souls clone, if I may call it that? Never played any of the DS style games.
Personally I think this game comes in two difficulties depending on whether or not you use the summons. If you avoid them then it's definitely harder than DS1, and one of the optional lategame fights might be the hardest fight in the entire series.It is significantly easier, though, IMHO (already DS3 was much easier than 1). Sure, the Tree Sentinel is crazy when you meet him in the very beginning, but coming back at about level 25 and trying him on horseback he isn't that tough.
I died about 50 or more times on Ancestral Spirit (though that's still about half of the attempts I had at Genichiro in Sekiro), because the fucking undead deer hits like a truck and is fast as a shark, but I probably went at him way too under-leveled. It was totally worth it, though, because the Ancestral Follower ashes I got from him is ridiculously effective.