New posters! Who are you?

Hey buddy, tone it down a bit, will you? Official moderator statement.
Oh ok, tone down what? Sometimes I ramble on a bit, perchance swear too much and maybe get somewhat defensive in the Di’Anno department of compartments, is that it? It would be real neat of you to specify the problem good sir.
Ok, I reckon I've put this off long enough.

I already have a handful of posts, but I'm just now getting around to introductions.

I'm 54, been married 28 years, have 3 kids, 2 grandsons and a 15 month old springer spaniel named Goober that makes me laugh every day.

I've worked in the belly of a factory for 29 years, and it took me 26 years to get the job I want, but I have finally arrived on easy street. It's one of those primo jobs that, once you get it, retirement or death are the only ways you give it up.

Outside my family, I am a singular creature by nature, and don't have any friends.

I didn't know this about myself until my wife pointed out to me "You are perfectly content being by yourself. Look at your hobbies: You build models, do crosswords & collect music. All one person activities."

As far as music goes, Classic Rock is the bulk of my collection. Aero, Skynyrd, The Boss, Queen, The Eagles, Doobs, Thin Lizzy, The Cars Tom Petty, Zep, Nugent, etc.

My first love was KISS. (c'mon...I was 13, they were dressed like super heroes, you do the math)

Some of my more recent favorites are Foo Fighters, Shinedown and Avril (seriously, she's really talented)

It's what I cut my teeth on, but I have varied tastes. I have more Motown than any middle aged white suburban male should have. I have some country, (the Dixie Chicks are legit musicians that got derailed by that sh*tstorm), a handful of classical, some Alt, a sizeable chuck of 80s (nostalgia from my single days).

I also have a bit of bluegrass and big band, which to me, are two of the purest forms of music out there. You can either play or not. There's no covering up.

I have a small collection of blues. (95% of which is most of Stevie Ray Vaughan's catalog)

I like to explore, so I have some meditative music, some Tibetian chant, Native American flute and the like. It's good for when you want to listen, but not listen, at the same time.

People always say 'there's no good music out there', but I have to disagree. There's a bunch of good music out there, you just have to be willing to look for it.

One of my favorite aspects of music is harmonies. I'm a harmony junkie. (that's where the Avril comes from. She layers her harmonies in really subtle, interesting ways.

My latest find is Haim. (again, the harmonies)

So anyway, I've probably pissed off a few people here with my views on Blayze (never cared for him) and Yanny, (sometimes he seems to work harder at playing with his guitar than actually playing his guitar),

But on the whole, I love Maiden. I'm not as rabid as some of the folks here, and my top 5-10, at times, may shuffle around some , but Iron F*cking Maiden never leaves the number one spot.

I am so amped to see them this coming July. I haven't seen them since the early 90s. When you get married and have kids, concert tickets get bumped way down the priority list.

Anyhow, sorry for the long post, I'm glad to be here.
I wish more of the long posts here were like yours, was a pleasure to read.
(Even though I don't know most of the music you mentioned).