New posters! Who are you?

Wow! The forum seems to be hopping. This is where I meet all the people who have become regulars during my last absence.

Hi! I'm LC. Long time reader, thousandth time poster. I come from Canada, have known the Duke for years, talk hockey with Onhell, and generally rock the casbah.

Who are you?

I was born and half-raised in England, and half-raised in Australia (where I still live), am a huge fan of films of all shapes and sizes, though have quite the catching up to do, and my musical taste though quite varied can best describe me as a combination of a hippie and a metalhead.
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Does this mean you were half-raised twice, but never completely raised? :ninja:

Well I moved to Australia when I just just on the cusp of turning 8 so yes. Yes it does.

Say, OperaEddie... do you have a particular guitarist you like? A favourite even.

Damn that's tough. If we're talking Maiden, than probably Dave Murray. But my first guitar hero had to be Jimmy Page. When first getting into classic rock, I saw the guy as a disciple of god or something.
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Dave's smile will convert the unbelievers.

Morning y'all (or evening... wherever you are)! Name's Marcel, living in Switzerland, 27 summers old and Maiden fan since... uh, somewhere around the early 2000s. Bought the Edward the Great Album solely based on the cover and ended up really liking the sound. Went to see them live in '04, thankfully they visit Switzerland relatively often and its a small country... went to see them every time they toured afterwards except once (military duty prevented me from it) and they rose to my favorite band. Uh... yeah. Seems like a nice forum, I'll try to contribute.
Hello, Marcel! :welcome:
Very soon somebody will ask you who your favourite Maiden guitarist is, so be prepared. :P