New album: The Final Frontier!

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bornless1 said:
Finish are Fins. Danish are Danes.. Swedish are Swedes.  Who the Hell are the Dutch? ..Kids and drunks lie as much as anyone, just take my ex for example, a child who is drunk 6 days a week!!.NO MORE LIES?? I'll tell you the truth son, your souls gonna a lake of FIIAAAHH!!!
                              19 days til Phoenix!!!!  21 days till San Bernardino
                                     UP THE IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:blink: WTF?
Perun said:

I dont no what I would do if I was as excited for the Toronto show as he is about his two shows. I find the best way to wait for a concert/album is to just forget about it and let it creep up on you that way you have all that excitement packed in to the few days prior and the day of.
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
I dont no what I would do if I was as excited for the Toronto show as he is about his two shows. I find the best way to wait for a concert/album is to just forget about it and let it creep up on you that way you have all that excitement packed in to the few days prior and the day of.
My first Maiden gig was pretty much waking up and "WTF!? I'm seeing Maiden today?" I'm not that excited about this Maiden gig either though I know I'll be excited once it's closer.  I'm seeing Megadeth already a month before that, so it also helps out.  :)
Well Italians name boys "Andrea" when in Spanish it's a girl's name since we have "Andres" for boys, so name your kid whatever you want. If Vivian Campbell can become a rock start with chick's name... anybody can :p
Guy said that full details on The Final Frontier are coming on the beginning of June. So it might be on the site this week and when the tour starts, we'll be already aware of the details and even which is the song they picked for the tour. The news about the yoga teacher, relased some weeks ago, mentions that the album will be out when the band hits Europe. Single coming up sooner than we thought and album much earlier than the date the band set? We shall see... \m/
Jeffmetal said:
Guy said that full details on The Final Frontier are coming on the beginning of June. So it might be on the site this week and when the tour starts, we'll be already aware of the details and even which is the song they picked for the tour. The news about the yoga teacher, relased some weeks ago, mentions that the album will be out when the band hits Europe. Single coming up sooner than we thought and album much earlier than the date the band set? We shall see... \m/

Now I understand why they will be on rockline radio on june 7th  :lol: !!!!!!!!
Anyway I think it was clear that full details about new album had to be announced before the beginning of this summer tour !!
Yes and details on Dance Of Death were released officially on May 31st 2003 (don't remember if they also said that Wildest Dreams was going to be played on the Gimme Ed tour as a teaser). The tour started two days later, I think.

I see the same scenario this year, with announcement coming next week to coincide with the tour or maybe even tomorrow or 'til the end of this first week of June. Any of these settings I was talking about since several weeks ago.
Definetly, man!!! I've been waking up everyday, opening my eyes and seeing all related to the new Iron Maiden album and tour in my mind. Now, we're very close to know all about it!!! Bring it all!!!

  The excitement is mounting...I haven't felt this way since 06'!!  June 17 Phoenix in the GREAT STATE OF ARIZONA, U.S!! June 18th overnight-er {Mid concert Party] in Las Vegas.  Then On to San Bernardino June 19 in the MAIDEN MECCA, and my home, Southern California!!!  This is Christmas, Birthday, Holiday, High Holy Days, Easter, Ramadan, St. Fuc*in Patricks Fuc*n day all rapped up in one 3 day screwin Bender!!!  UP THE IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHEW HEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
bornless1 said:
   The excitement is mounting...I haven't felt this way since 06'!!  June 17 Phoenix in the GREAT STATE OF ARIZONA, U.S!! June 18th overnight-er {Mid concert Party] in Las Vegas.  Then On to San Bernardino June 19 in the MAIDEN MECCA, and my home, Southern California!!!  This is Christmas, Birthday, Holiday, High Holy Days, Easter, Ramadan, St. Fuc*in Patricks Fuc*n day all rapped up in one 3 day screwin Bender!!!  UP THE IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHEW HEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
What was going in in June of 2006? AMOLAD didn't come out until August 28.
June 06'?  who said JUNE 06?  I said just 06. Do you see the words 'JUNE'  and '06' together anywhere in my post?  Didn't think so!!  I said JUNE 17 &19  THIS YEAR!!    HAHAAAA  10 days til new Maiden.  YAH BROTHER!!!!  
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