Most ridiculous usernames!

well, if you want suggestions, I'v probably got a few, but I dunno how 'GREAT MUSICIAN' will work out  (j/k).
Perun said:
If somebody could find me a Qur'an verse where it says that the 72 virgins are into Maiden, I'd convert right away.

I'm sure there are over 72 Muslim virgins in the world. They all just happen to be guys, but whatever you're into Prune, we don't judge here*. :)

*Final statement may contain 100% lies.
Bollix, I was originally writing '*Sentence may be 100% lies', but then I thought that the bit about boys might be assumed to be a part of that statement. You cunts won't let anyone make a mistake. :P
Hunlord said:
Bollix, I was originally writing '*Sentence may be 100% lies', but then I thought that the bit about boys might be assumed to be a part of that statement. You cunts won't let anyone make a mistake. :P
Hold on....cunt cunts...interesting. Could this be a side-effect of the Tehran business?
I'M TOO FUCKING LAZY TO SPELLCHECK.ran, sorry Loosey, I beat your filters with the huge amounts of win contained in my body.
national acrobat said:
What do I win?

What country is that the capital of?

(and what does this have to do with usernames?  ;) I love madness!)

[on topic]
Wred is kinda funny-- is it like wren?  Or is it W red... who can know?
[/on topic]
IrritatedTrout with 2 posts as a member in nearly 8 months. He must have been caught and not released.