Misheard lyrics

I thought it was "Johnny's", as in contraceptives. But I can't hear "shagging" no matter how hard I try.

That last part didn't come out right...
The Legacy during the lyric-less leak of AMOLAD: And England is leading to death.

I remember to be disappointed when I discovered it was ignorance instead :D
I was looking @CountryChurchyard's profile, googled the phrase and remembered Empire of the Clouds. The entire song fits in that category.

I was delivering my first ship as Project Manager the very next day after the album leak reached my hands. I could not escape: I had to prepare her delivery documents (a day's job) and I had to listen to the album, so I spent the whole day (a Sunday) alone in the office, listening to the album. To be noted that the name of that ship was also right out of the Maiden songbook!!

When Empire of the Clouds entered and I was listening about ships, masts, full speeds, trials, engines, telegraphs I was full ecstatic as all this was happening to me either right now /or had happened just a few days ago. (I didn't catch the crash /deaths detail that day)
Having misheard some key lyrics I came to the conclusion that the song was about a ship (not an airship, a ship) that was travelling in the skies somehow. I took it as a fantasy story with very realistic elements and I was over the top enthusiastic, as I found it to be very poetic as concept. Plus France as the last word, plus what was happening in real life and real time to me, you can imagine how I felt.

When I read the lyrics a few days later I was somehow disappointed but I always remember that day and the huge ecstasy I felt due to the right circumstances, the awesomeness of the song and my misheard of its lyrics.
Oh, just today I remembered the most glorious mondegreen from my youth.

When I was a kid, I heard the chorus to Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus as "retards touch babes". Seriously.
Sometimes some off the wall, out of nowhere things just pop up in your head.

I can't remember the actual lyric but on Ace Frehley's first solo album there's a line in Snowblind that always sounds to me like he's singing "God, I think I'm a lady."
Oh, and one of my favourites that I've almost forgotten in the 18 years (! Fuck, it's bean really that long?) since the album came out

"Better, imagine that!
Better in Mogadishu
Better, imagine that!
Better in Mogadishu"

(the reference)

(for some inexplicable reason, I feel like @Brigantium in particular might appreciate these last two, I don't know why :D )