I'm sorry, @Diesel 11 , I Respect Your Opinion and you're free to oppose what I wrote there; it's definitely not out of the question that you might actually make me look at it differently and appreciate it more (though over time, I've really struggled to get into the record myself - I'd like to like it, so to speak).
Hero of the Day, Bleeding Me, and The Outlaw Torn are stellar. Outlaw was my favourite Metallica song for a long time even and may still be. The rest of the album is plodding shades of meh, which does not work in its favor considering how long it is. It was a draining listening. I even found a fondness for Cure and Poor Twisted Me, just because they're a little weirder.
Anyway, Load. Man, I'm not any tr00 kvlt wanker that'd hate Tullica in the 90s in general, but does this album suck walrus' balls. Of the really good songs, there's Bleeding Me, The House Jack Built and - though it feels kinda underbaked - Until It Sleeps. Throw in Ain't My Bitch as an okay opening rocker (although it's also the first time you can't really take Tullica seriously, with Hetfield's suddenly found Rastafarianism - "It ain't my bit! JAH!" - sorry for making this joke twice, but, you know, different threads for different folks) and, unexpectedly, Mama Said, which is Hetfield being rednecky as fuck but also kinda nice and you get ... well, you get a very good to great EP.
Load sucks...but the best tracks are The House Jack Built and Mama Said?
