Maidenfans meetups 2023


Blood Empress
Staff member
AKA I'll Be The One in The Maiden Shirt

Who's going where to see Maiden not play Alexander the Great in 2023?

I thought it would be easier to set up a thread in the Community forum for members to find others going to their local show than have random posts all over the tour thread (although that'll probably happen anyway).
Ljubljana, but I'd consider visiting another show with a big enough congregation of Maidenfans.

Just not the UK as I'd need a visa.
I thought there's going to be a lot of you from MaidenFans in Ljubljana, Slovenia?!!?
Are you really going to leave me alone with those official FC snobs?! *sad emoji*
I love Prague! Just couldn't get enough time off

Holy schmoly, nevermind that, I just checked and unless there's some mistake on the part of the Ticketmaster, there are already only tickets for sitting left, from about £200 upwards. I couldn't afford that even if I wanted to, really, with the third on the way and everything.