Maiden songs everybody seems to like but you dislike?

Dick Brucinson

The TRUE Dick Brucinson
Are there any Maiden songs that everybody seems to enjoy but you dislike? For me it's definitely The Trooper, and it's been the last 40 years like that for me now. From the moment I got into Maiden until today I never got the hype around that song.
For me probably Heaven Can Wait. I'm not fond of The Clansman either but I wouldn't say I dislike it.
"Dislike" is a strong term for all of these, it's more "like, but don't get the hype":

Paschendale: One that I absolutely fell in love with when I first heard it and was a top Maiden song for me for years, but I've found myself liking it less and less as time's gone on. I might even prefer Dance of Death over it, which feels like I'm painting a target on my back by admitting.

2 Minutes to Midnight: This is one of the "hits" that I got into quite early after getting into Maiden, but it quickly fell out of favour along with the other hits as I got deeper into their discography and discovered stronger deeper cuts. There was a time when I really didn't like it, it had become a bit of a concert staple and I was getting bored of it, but I had a bit of a rediscovery of it after seeing it on the LOTB tour and I warmed back up to it, but I still don't think I like it quite as much as others do.

Alexander the Great: I think this was also a case of me getting sick of the hype around it. I've always liked the song enough, but it's nowhere near the best track on Somewhere in Time, it's at the lower end of Steve's epics and, though I really enjoyed seeing it live, I probably wouldn't have been that disappointed if it hadn't appeared on the Future Past's set.

In fact, sometimes I wish they never played it just to spite you all. :ninja:
Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
In general I prefer long epic songs but for my taste this song has too many parts where nothing interesting is going on.
Especially the vocal parts in the first half of the song. I could have just read the poem myself.
I'm not knocking it, but it seems as though lots of IM fans like it a lot more than I do.
I know it’s the complete opposite of the thread title but it got me thinking about songs I really quite like but seem universally despised by most of the fan base.

The first 2 that sprang to mind were invaders and the apparition. When I see these songs pop up in threads it’s usually when people are talking about these songs as if they were a crime to music.
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Does Phantom of the Opera count as a song everybody likes? I can't stand that song.

Other than that:
Run to the Hills - awful boyscout children song with metal guitars
2 Minutes To Midnight - never clicked with me. Not terrible, but dull
The Clansman - while I like VXI to some degree, that song is indeed boring
Moonchild - again, not terrible, but I don't care much about this track
Die With Your Boots On - good song ruined by an awful chorus
The Legacy
The Red And The Black
I don't think those songs count as tracks that everybody loves. Journeyman maybe a little.
The Clairvoyant - Especially live renditions, horrible sounding Melody under the Vocallines
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - Weird tempo (proggy ! got it) and chorus is way to high
The Trooper - I know it's basically everything what early Maiden was about but it's just an average Song (or maybe heard it to often)
If Eternity should Fail - Don't get the fuzz about that one when it came out, pretty boring and plodding
SSOASS - Yes, pretty Epic and i love a lot of similar songs with repetetive Choruses, not this one tho. Breakdown is amazing but the "chaotic" solo section and onwards doesn't do it for me
When TFF came out everyone was all over The Alchemist. Never understood that.

Was this when the complaints about Maiden's music being "too long" started? I can't really remember, I'd only been a fan for about a year when TFF came out. If it was, then The Alchemist being one of the shorter songs on the album and being the closest in style to their eighties material might be why it was popular.
Nah, everything was already too long with AMOLAD, DOD and BNW.
Yes exactly. And an added long intro here and prolonged, repeated parts there doesnt make a song better or even progressive. I don't understand at all some people speaking about Maidens "proggy phase", I can't see anything progressive, but often just patchworks of parts for its own sake...
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Nah, everything was already too long with AMOLAD, DOD and BNW.
I think the balance is still good for the first 2 Reunion albums and the longer songs are faster for the most part (unlike most 80's epics). Blaze's albums aren't much different. I wonder which is more of an issue for some fans during the Reunion era - the dominant longer material or the not so fast tempo as a whole since 2006?
And an added long intro here and prolonged, repeated parts there doesnt make a song better or even progressive. I don't understand at all some people speaking about Maidens "proggy phase", I can't see anything progressive, but often just patchworks of parts for its own sake...
I feel like long intros/repeated parts are an issue for the long (and mid-tempo) songs than for the shorter ones. And it's curious that the best songs are almost always those, overall. Sometimes such features make a song better. Progressive, why not.
Infinte Dreams - lot of fans were disappointed that Maiden didn't play it during Maiden England, but for me I don't care if they play it or not, so I guess that qualifies in this post's theme.
Also, Stranger in a Strange Land, again, was nice to hear it during FPT but I wasn't crazy about it, if they wouldn't have played it, I would have been okay.
Lastly, Killers, some (or many) are waiting for this song to be played on RFYL tour, but for me, hopefully not, I would rather have some other songs (Afraid to Shoot Strangers, No Prayer for the Dying, or even Running Free if I had to choose).
I can't off the top of my head think of a song that every Maiden fan seems to like that I don't. I guess I can say (while I like it) I don't get the overall hype for the debut album that a lot of folks seem to have. Save for Phantom, which is absolutely amazing.

Maybe the production has something to do with it, I dunno. I was much more impressed with Killers.
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Fear Of The Dark and The Trooper. They're classic. They're great. But man I would be OK if I never heard them played live ever again. I honestly hope they keep them away from the RFYL tour.
I've never liked Blood Brothers. Not in 2000, not in 2010 not now.

I can respect the sentiment behind the lyrics and it does feature probably my all-time favorite Janick solo but that's about all the positives for me.

Overall I find it to be an overlong and overly repetitive song with little variation (particularly in the chorus - We're Blood Brothers x4 or x8, blech) to warrant being over 7 minutes long. Was a total buzzkill when it crept back into the set lists on TBOS tours and then again in 2022. I'm fine with never hearing them bring this one back ever again. Yuck.