Mafia Game #2 - AWOOOOOOOOO

Cornfed Hick's lynching

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Still don't have any strong feelings about this, but in the name of getting people talking...I support the nomination of Cornfed
It looks like Per was successful in pleading his case. And I'll agree that Stardust's attempt at suicide is likely a reason to assume he's a villager. I'm just going to say that (not because of anything in this game) the odds of Collin being a 'bad guy' twice in a row are pretty low, so I'm thinking he is safe. Also.... Cornfed talked Dusty out of quitting the game. One of two things here-- if Dusty is a villager, the Cornfed likely is too, otherwise he'd be happy to see a villager gone. OR, Dusty is a werewolf and Cornfed didn't wanna go an easy one down. I'm feeling like Cornfed is a villager.

Brigs, on the other hand... funny how she votes/chooses. No nomination earlier when she was the only one to not nominate. Also, happy to jump on board with Cornfed pretty quickly.

I nominate Brigantium.
what we are talking about is poor, innocent people being torn apart by fucking wolves!

Um, no. It's a game. Mosh is just fine. I saw him posting in other threads. He, like me, wants the villagers to win. This entire post by Perun is phony phony phony.

At this point, villagers NEED to lynch people, or defeat is certain. We have no seer, we have no angel, the werewolves will just pick us apart night after night. Anyone who voted against lynching Perun is immediately suspect in my eyes. So, I nominate Loosecannon.

Regardless, even if I get nominated, or Loosecannon, or Perun again (not a bad idea), you should lynch whomever is nominated. If you lynch me, you will learn I am a villager, and I urge you to lunch Perun next. And Loosecannon after him. And Stardust (maybe - I can't tell if he's being sketchy or just erratic - which is why I wanted him out early). And maybe Brigs.

Again, if we don't nominate or lynch anyone, the werewolves WILL win.
Um, no. It's a game. Mosh is just fine. I saw him posting in other threads. He, like me, wants the villagers to win. This entire post by Perun is phony phony phony.

At this point, villagers NEED to lynch people, or defeat is certain. We have no seer, we have no angel, the werewolves will just pick us apart night after night. Anyone who voted against lynching Perun is immediately suspect in my eyes. So, I nominate Loosecannon.

Regardless, even if I get nominated, or Loosecannon, or Perun again (not a bad idea), you should lynch whomever is nominated. If you lynch me, you will learn I am a villager, and I urge you to lunch Perun next. And Loosecannon after him. And Stardust (maybe - I can't tell if he's being sketchy or just erratic - which is why I wanted him out early). And maybe Brigs.

Again, if we don't nominate or lynch anyone, the werewolves WILL win.

Lunch Perun? Can't he buy his own meals? ;)
You'd be better off lynching Perun or LC rather than someone who is obviously another villager, but you blew it, and I told you so. So go ahead, lynch me instead, get the information, use it wisely. Look hard at Perun, Loosey, Brigs -- and Dusty because even though he's probably a villager he's doing exactly what I said he would do when I recommended to lynch him from the get-go. There's a reason the mafia/werewolves never kill him, he makes their job easier, even if he isn't one of them.

Edit (yes, I'm editing, it's against the rules, but hey, I'm going to be lynched anyway): villagers, again, you need to lynch someone every single day, otherwise you cannot win. Anyone who says "we can't afford to lynch another villager so let's not lynch anyone" is either a werewolf or a fool and should be lynched next. At least until you have some concrete info and have identified at least one werewolf or two.

Cornfed Hick
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Mosh the Seer's death at the hands of the werewolves left the rest of the village in a panic. Nominations were flowing thick and fast, with numerous nominations aimed at multiple different people during the day. Perun was the first person brought to the stand today, but the angry lynch mob must've been having a slow day, as Perun was found innocent almost unanimously. It would not last however, as the bloodthirsty mob quickly brought Cornfed Hick to the stand. Cornfed Hick was found guilty, insisted by Cornfed Hick himself and would be killed at sunset. A noose was placed around Cornfed Hick's neck in the village square and as the sun sets below the horizon, Cornfed Hick's life was brought to an end. Just like RTC's death, nothing happened as Cornfed Hick's body gently shifted in the wind. After it was clear that they had killed yet another villager, the rest of the villagers dissipated into the night.

Love, Unknown One

Cornfed Hick the Villager was lynched! It is now night time and approximately 1 day until the next day phase.
Morale was really low in the town. They had lost multiple people to the werewolves, and had even killed 2 of their own. Things could always get worse though. The entire village awoke to find that again, one of them had been killed in the night.
Brigantium was found in her house, lying dead on the floor with her neck ending at a bloody stump. It seems that the werewolves had decided that they needed a trophy of sorts and so had taken Brig's head with them.

Brigantium the Villager was killed. It is now day time and 3 days left until the next night phase.
Lol, I stopped receiving notifications for this thread, so I forgot we were still playing. I never got to vote, but it wouldn't have mattered as I would have voted to lynch Cornfed too. I still think we should be questioning Perun. He still seems suspicious in my eyes.

I Nominate Perun