Live After Death anniversary this year - do you expect anything interesting?

Dick Brucinson

The TRUE Dick Brucinson
What do you expect for the 40 years anni of LAD?
The Powerslave anniversary was a bit weird in terms of goodies. The Tshirts look awful and that coloured vinyl isn't really interesting IMHO.
It'd be absolutely great if they released something like the full Hammersmith show or maybe some complete Iron Curtain show. I also wouldn't mind a photo book documenting tour and stage and would be willing to spend a lot of money for it.
Wishful thinking I guess. We probably get some shirts again and some unnescessary new edit of the album with Steve Harris liner notes.
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Would be interesting only if they release it as a boxset with all 4 nights included. (edit: or a bonus disc with some material of the 1st tour leg)

But well probably get the same album again with that zoetrope bullshit printed in the vinyl.
I'm not sure. The anniversaries are for the studio albums. They released both TNOTB and BOH, but sitll. LAD is special but other than releasing all 4 nights(?) (or full Hammersmith show), I don't know what else they can come up with. Shirts for sure. And some new artworks. Basically the same as for Powerslave. So, I don't expect anything. SSOASS is probably certain (although Bruce said he guess there won't be an interest for a comic story), I think they could do something interesting for SIT, bits and pieces and especially if they have demos. But the new stuff for POM & Powerslave were arts...

edit: if they have video footage of Side four that would be the best.
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If they gave it the Strangers in the Night/Space Ritual/Live and Dangerous boxset treatment, I would throw money at them. It not even my favourite love album of theirs but I would love to have good quality Maiden boxset.

Instead we will get some long sleeved T shirts, a Zoetrope re-press and a special Trooper beer label.
Probably the same answer as the last few years and relevant anniversaries: something halfhearted for the collectors but nothing containing actual new material. It's too bad, there are plenty of opportunities especially given the 50th anniversary, but the interest is clearly not there right now. I'm guessing the big Maiden product this year is the documentary.
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Can't see them pushing the boat out for this anniversary, based on the recent output.

I suppose the eternal hope is that deluxe/interesting things will be released post retirement. Although personally, I wouldn't find all 4 nights that interesting. One is enough, for me. I feel I've gotten all I need from LAD with the dvd.

A super duper documentary and new material is what I want from the band these days. Like, why mark 40yrs when they didn't mark 30? Surely 50 is more worthy of some kinda special treatment.
I´d love them to release a twin live album with all songs played at the Hammersmith run in 1984. Bruce was in much better shape and I even like the performances and setlists better than the original LAD Long Beach album.
I always wondered if they also filmed some nights at Hammersmith. Does anyobody know?
I understand people not being interested in hearing every single Hammersmith and Long Beach show, but I'm a nerd for that sort of thing and would love to see it. B)

Ideally, they would do what Yes did for their 7 Shows From 72 collection and release an edited down standard live album version of a single Hammersmith show for those who just want to hear one show. I just want to hear a complete show from early in the tour before they trimmed the setlist down and before Bruce's voice was shot.
I understand people not being interested in hearing every single Hammersmith and Long Beach show, but I'm a nerd for that sort of thing and would love to see it. B)

Ideally, they would do what Yes did for their 7 Shows From 72 collection and release an edited down standard live album version of a single Hammersmith show for those who just want to hear one show. I just want to hear a complete show from early in the tour before they trimmed the setlist down and before Bruce's voice was shot.
This is the main reason why I want a full Hammersmith show.
I always wondered if they also filmed some nights at Hammersmith. Does anyobody know?

''The whole thing should have been from Hammersmith. The performances there were better than the ones in Los Angeles. But the lighting engineer, Dave Lights, was at war with the video guys and consequently the whole thing was too dark. So we had great audio footage, but a lot of the concert footage was unusable''.

Again too dark. But it seems they have the full live album. Hammersmith would probably the best hope for the future.

''The whole thing should have been from Hammersmith. The performances there were better than the ones in Los Angeles. But the lighting engineer, Dave Lights, was at war with the video guys and consequently the whole thing was too dark. So we had great audio footage, but a lot of the concert footage was unusable''.

Again too dark. But it seems they have the full live album. Hammersmith would probably the best hope for the future.
I remember similar thing with Magnum concert On the Wings of Heaven Live, recorded at Hammersmith in march 1988, backdrop is too dark. With today's tehnology that problem can be fixed.

''The whole thing should have been from Hammersmith. The performances there were better than the ones in Los Angeles. But the lighting engineer, Dave Lights, was at war with the video guys and consequently the whole thing was too dark. So we had great audio footage, but a lot of the concert footage was unusable''.

Again too dark. But it seems they have the full live album. Hammersmith would probably the best hope for the future.

Bruce's memory is starting to falter. He is confusing Hammersmith 1984 with Hammersmith 1982 in that statement.
Not expecting anything other than merch aimed at collectors. If there were any good vault material they wanted to release, it would have been on the 2008 DVD, back when they still gave a shit.

Biggest upset I could imagine is making the Losfer Words, Sanctuary and Murders in the Rue Morgue b-sides available on streaming platforms.