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So on Tuesday, I was asked to hold a lecture for BA students. The lecture is in 20 minutes.

The fact that I'm doing this does of course have nothing to do with the fact that the guy who asked me is my MA examiner.
The Force will be with you, always.
Just so you know, having to welcome a bailiff and having to deal with distraint on almost all of your property in your home, also having to deal with attachment of your earnings to banks for massive debts that are in place just because you wanted to help a inept family member who backstabbed you is not the easiest thing in the world. Doesn't help that the bailiff comes when you have guest inside and he just looks on wondering what's going on.

Might need some drinking tonight. Fuck everyone that caused a hardworking, well-earning family to go into the hell of all economics and live without a couch to sit on. We didn't deserve this.
Sounds awful Flash.
On Vancouver Island the smoke has dissipated enough that I would call the sky blue today.
Pyro, a long-running radio show focusing on rock and metal on one of the stations belonging to NRK (Norwegian National Broadcasting) is going off air. The station will probably replace it with a new show also focusing on rock and metal (but less exclusively so). When the hosts of this show were told of this earlier this year, they decided that their final show would be now in July. Why?

Because then their last show would be number six hundred and sixty six.
Sorry to hear about that Flash. :( hoping everything works out for you.