Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Deano said:
What happened to the 20 questions? I figured SMX's last one would be answered by now. Guess he's been busy.

Indeed. Band practice last night, work this morning.
I'll be here for a little while - maybe half an hour. So the game may progress a bit more.
Deano said:
Disney World has been cleared, it's OK.

If you go to Disney World in the next couple of summers, look for the girl playing Ariel.  My friend Mike fucked her.
LooseCannon said:
If you go to Disney World in the next couple of summers, look for the girl playing Ariel.  My friend Mike fucked her.

Now, that is cool!  So, 4 degrees of seperation, I know LC, LC knows Mike, Mike fucked the girl playing Ariel.
Not much.  I'm up working at the bike shop for a while today, getting some stuff for my bike too.  Hows the start of your work week?

Dunno if you should look at this at work, but this link is for the "history of fuck" , and it is fucking hilarious!  (but they say fuck a LOT)

Ughhh, I skipped work yesterday to go to my pal's funeral.  Today is just looking really.  Fucking.  Long.
Yeah, I dig that. --not sure how to ask, but how was the funeral?

Hey, I went looking at the refurbished MacBooks, but they are out of stock right now.  I guess I'll have to wait and keep looking...
Which, in Germany, involves 14 scared Poles, 4 Panzer tanks, a bratwurst, and some "liberated" French cheese.