Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

wasted155 said:
Yes, and Yes!  Was married for most of 13 years, but it wouldn't go on.

I do have a girl that I love dearly, and, luckily, she returns the favor.  (kids haven't met her yet)

it's not necessary to meet her, it is sometimes embarrassing for kids stuff like that
my parents are divorsed since always so ....

but if it turns to a serious thing, yes introduce her to them -but just don't be hurry to do so
____no5 said:
it's not necessary to meet her, it is sometimes embarrassing for kids stuff like that
my parents are divorsed since always so ....

but if it turns to a serious thing, yes introduce her to them -but just don't be hurry to do so

Thats kind of what I was thinking... no reason to be too fast.  Actually, I'm letting my ex be the test subject on this one-- been divorced just under 2 years and she has brought her boy friend home to meet the kids.  So I am watching and learning. --Thanks for the advice, its always nice to get some!
wasted155 said:
  So I am watching and learning.

very wise thing !! there is a saying about that ;
"intelligent is who learns from the others people mistakes;)

well of course I hope your ex wife doesn't make a "mistake" but you see what I mean  :)
go up image
Oh, that is very nice!!

That goal of 11000 is very close now!  One good day of posting and we'll be there.
Thanks!  But I'm pretty new to this Madness.  I'll be happy to just see it.

I was looking back, and this thread has been in the process for 7 1/2 years!!  We're gonna have to step it up if we wanna see 100,000!!

(Deano is going to have lots of catching up to do!)
wasted155 said:
Thanks!  But I'm pretty new to this Madness.  I'll be happy to just see it.

I was looking back, and this thread has been in the process for 7 1/2 years!!  We're gonna have to step it up if we wanna see 100,000!!

(Deano is going to have lots of catching up to do!)

it has taken the up way since one year now -when I made my first post 17-02-07 here we were about the 4.000 mark
Yeah, I was looking, it took almost a year, I think, to get the first 1000, and we hit 1000 in less than a month! 

Spam is alive and well in the Madness forum!

Well, I have to get off to bed!  Early morning coming for me, but I'll be spaming some from work!

See Ya!
Onhell said:
You were in the States and you didn't stop by Colorado and AZ to visit SMX and I? That's cold man :(

Dude, I am in the states right now, just on the east coast studying, so its kind of hard to plan a day trip to far off places like Colorado and Arizona. But I do think an American continent maidenfans get together is aan awesome idea, we just need to find a place and time thats good for everybody.  :)