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My threshold was first kids (nothing ages you like that one) and now once I've realised I've been spending almost more time at the doctor's than at home :D
(And that I know half of the apothecary's and what drug does what)

Also when it has been cold and wet and you feel it in your joints. Like Colonel fucking Brandon.
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From my observation anyone is only as old as they decide to be, and you only become "old" when you finally let go of your remaining dreams and start to believe that there really is nothing remaining to look forward to.

So the thing that came closest to making me "old" was the pandemic ...
From my observation anyone is only as old as they decide to be, and you only become "old" when you finally let go of your remaining dreams and start to believe that there really is nothing remaining to look forward to.

Same experience here. As long as you can still dream it’s ok.
Dreams aren’t just thin air you have to support them with your being so there’s that.
Apparently it took another postponement now it’s for May due to a deep cut Fury was sustained around the eye during sparring sessions.
Dang, I didn’t know that it got postponed. I watched Fury vs Ngannou last night, and considering how close Ngannou was to winning that match, I think Usyk stands a pretty good chance at taking the win. Fury is a tough bloke to beat, though.
Guy on the metro next to me (and no, I wasn't eavesdropping, it was him passionately sharing his thoughts with his phone and, incidentally, my left ear):
"So she tells me I should drink water... but I can't you know?.. yeah I know some people drink litres of it but it's too heavy for me... ever heard of heavy water?.. ah there you go, too heavy."
Dear people with larger vocabulary. I refuse to believe Google's answers so I'm asking you.

1. If the arm is the portion between the shoulder and the elbow, why is it also used for the entire upper limb? Is there no separate word?
2. Is there a word for the collective of shin and calf?
Boo, so lame. How come there are words for the forearm and thigh but nothing stuck for these two.
Technically the entirety of the lower leg is the “crus”, and the upper arm is the “brachium”, but I’ve never heard those words used casually.