Meme Only Account
I was dead, but an evil scientist
in a big castle on a hill
brought me back to life
during a recent thunderstorm.
in a big castle on a hill
brought me back to life
during a recent thunderstorm.
I was dead, but an evil scientist in a big castle on a hill brought me back to life during a recent thunderstorm.
Did the evil scientist update you to the newest version.. or is the software a bit dated?
Yeah. I was just about to say. The latest update seems to have taken a really long time. It might be necessary to do a factory reset.Did the evil scientist update you to the newest version.. or is the software a bit dated?
Tears of koi.CriedWhenCriedWhenBrucieLeftCameBack
I'm pretty sure we've all been there at some point in time.Time for surprise lunch! My relative freezes leftovers and gives them to me, without labels in the containers.I think what I'm now eating is pasta sauce. I have no pasta though.
To the tune of “The Divine Wings Of Tragedy, Part V: The Prophet’s Cry”:Cried returns.
I was dead, but an evil scientist
in a big castle on a hill
brought me back to life
during a recent thunderstorm.