Ancient Mariner
Oh, thank you 
Youse are all very nice.

Youse are all very nice.
I see your Elton John and raise you one Rowan Atkinson.Nah, prob'ly Rory.Or Gary.
Or even Eric
If wifey didn't have a say in the matter, that is, which she does, so there's a good chance it's gonna be
Dave. Has to be Dave, even for a girl.So Janick if it's a boy, right?
@Ariana what is your opinion on this name?Theodora if it’s a girl
Joking aside, it’s probably gonna be Daniel or Augustine for a boy and Theodora or Sophia if it’s a girl. But we might change our minds yet, it’s still a long time.
All Maidenfans must name all future daughters Theodora.
Yeeeeeah, not all Maidenfans.
This wasn't up for debate.