The fact that my face is not on American dollars, yes, dollars, not small change like Kennedy on the 50 cent piece (I know what you're thinking, KenneWHO?), showcases just what's wrong with the American system.
It's time to change this. What's Ben Franklin doing on the $100 bill? Guy wasn't even a president. What'd he do? Flew a kite? And he's on the $100 bill? That's just wrong.
In fact, everything's wrong. $1 bill has Washington. Yeah ok, so maybe we wouldn't have this country without him, but gimme a break. He turned down a third presidency, that is not cool.
Speaking of which it's time this city was renamed Trump Emperium.
Anyways, $2 bill has Thomas Jefferson, but no one cares about the $2 bill, so let's move on.
Jefferson got screwed, but not as badly as I am perpetually.
$5 bill has Lincoln. So what if he liberated the slaves, he couldn't defend himself from getting shot. What a loser.
I love black people BTW. They're awesome. Especially the food. Love the food. In my opinion every black person should be at work in a restaurant, it's great.
$10 bill has Hamilton. Ha. Crooked Hamilton wasn't even president. Didn't he want to be king or something? Idiot. I'm the rightful 1st king of America.
And the play, by the way, sucks. Almost as much as Hillary.
$20 bill has Jackson on it. He screwed over the Indians almost as much as I'm screwing over the Mexicans. Some of which, I assume, are good people. But like the Indians, most of them are rapists, terrorists, big headed losers, and guys with bigger dicks than me. That won't do.
Come to think of it, Jackson is basically my inspiration. He stays.
$50 bill has Grant on it. Dude was a drunkard. No thanks.
Lee should be on there instead.
And yes, Franklin on the $100 bill. Failure.
It's time to renovate this whole thing. We need to change this money deal and put a picture of me on everything. $1 bill will be me as a kid, and each subsequent one will be a picture of me older. We'll also bring back the $1,000 bill with a picture of me in my Supreme Excellence.
Crooked Hillary meanwhile will get nothing.
She loses.
Just like the she lost the presidency.
I won by the way. If you'd forgotten.
And by the way, the recent CNN headline "Trump Unveils The New Controlled States of America Through His Change Of The Country's Currency" - bunch of losers. This is fake news, the American people want it, and if you can't deal with that then you're losers. Sad.
Anyways, thank you folks and I hope you enjoy this further reign of King Donaldus Rex.
Donald J. Trump,
Potentate of the CSA
P.S. - Fried chicken is fucking amazing, I love blacks.