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In other news, now that my Buckethead days are over, I need a new artist for a discography listen-through. Take your pick:

Uriah Heep
Civil War
Other (please specify)
I was about to suggest a new artist but then I realised this list has Buckethead on it even though your "Buckethead days are over".
Flash's story reminded me, I used to mitigate stains on t-shirts just by wearing them inside out. I stopped doing that some time ago, thinking if I go outside like this, people will notice. I probably did go to university like that but I don't remember because I didn't care. Thinking of it more there was a guy, big guy, black metal fan in the dress, black denim pants, black 24 hole dr. martens, leather jackets and ofc the band shirts, attending uni with me. There were probably more "weird" looking people around but no one cares, you're like 20 years old.
Of course, I did none of that and had the first artist I listen to be Bon Jovi. -_-
Just got a mate to send me a Lesser Spotted Jovi playlist in return for a Lesser Spotted Maiden one. He has the smarts to avoid ballads. He says his list will be smaller than mine due to Jon not havin written a decent song in 17 years :lol: