The next thing that follows will be civil war (1917-1922). Millions of deaths under Red and White banners. Repressions against peasantry and former Aristocracy. White and Red terrors. Death of Lenin. Stalins Rise to power. Mass killings, GULagas, destruction (almost) of Fourth Internationale...
But what also revolution and Bolsheviks brought to Russia?
Electricity. In 1917 Russia had 75 electric stations. In 1927 there were 858. In 1917 there were 542 of villages electrified. 89739 In 1927. 2400% rise in electric energy consumed in the 1940. (, also, for comparison, in 1930, fewer than 10% of farms in the US had access to electricity.
Literacy. It is estimated that in 1917 only 35-38 % of population were literate in country. Almost 80,9% in cities and 50,6 % in rural country by 1926. 90% in 1940. (
Free healthcare. From 1918 to 1927 more 40 medical research institutions founded. Woman consultation services - (not even a thing in 1917, more than 2200 institutions in 1928 to 8600 in 1940). Maternity hospitals. The right to free healthcare guarnteed by Stalins constitution in 1936.
I can continue this list further, counting increase in public transportation, civil services, even the regulated central heating system in almost every major city (in a cold, northen country)... But I won't. I want just to make a point. Revolution, while bringing a mass suffering for a lot of people - also brought a lot of good to them.
Don't be "Black and White", guys. It's always more compliicated than that.