Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I hope not! While the movie pleases old and new fans alike, newer fans will never know the glories of old simpsons the way we do. It's like watching Seinfeld reruns. The Simpsons were an animated Sit Com and they've become a slapstick cartoon, while still funny it no longer has the depth and heart of the first 7 or so seasons...
Genghis Khan said:
I can't forgive most of the last decade... which I hardly watched -- maybe a handful of episodes.
There was the odd gem - here and there - but overall the earlier stuff was better. I think it was most of Season 12 where the endings had little or no relevance to anything. There was one episode, I forget which one, where they were in the courthouse only for someone (Otto, I think) to burst in and say "surfs up" and the whole cast were then seen surfing. Odd.
Sounds about right... Or Lisa (of all people) to succumb to an eating disorder and Bart not bothered at all at finding his sister making "snow angels" on the cake late at night...
9568...can we try to get to 10,000 soon? lol I know I've been slacking here, and no5 has been MIA too. I think it's his fault we're not there yet lol

Albie can only do so much by himself... :(
Albie said:
There was the odd gem - here and there - but overall the earlier stuff was better. I think it was most of Season 12 where the endings had little or no relevance to anything. There was one episode, I forget which one, where they were in the courthouse only for someone (Otto, I think) to burst in and say "surfs up" and the whole cast were then seen surfing. Odd.

Odd.  Not funny.  It does not surprise me.

Onhell said:
Sounds about right... Or Lisa (of all people) to succumb to an eating disorder and Bart not bothered at all at finding his sister making "snow angels" on the cake late at night...

Even odder.  Not funny at all.  Suprises me even less.

Powergirl81 said:
9568...can we try to get to 10,000 soon? lol I know I've been slacking here, and no5 has been MIA too. I think it's his fault we're not there yet lol

Albie can only do so much by himself... :(

I think No. 5 just needs a little encouragment.  ;)

national acrobat said:
Eh?? Simpsons movie better than South Park film?? I'm not having that.

This clip is WITHOUT DOUBT the most I've ever laughed during any film.

Cartman: Suck my balls Mr. Garrison.
Garrison: Present them!

national acrobat said:
Eh?? Simpsons movie better than South Park film?? I'm not having that.

This clip is WITHOUT DOUBT the most I've ever laughed during any film.

Don't have it then, but I will, South Park falls flat on its ass 40 minutes in.... One clip does not a movie make...
NP: Dream Theater, full discography up to Octavarium excluding first CD and Falling Into Infinity... So... almost full discography :p
Powergirl81 said:
In my head: Wrathchild  :P

I like the was playing GK!

WAS PLAYING: The Pilgrim (X 2)... because the stereo was accidently set to repeat.

I won't tell which song I'm playing now.

SneakySneaky said:
It's been a while since I posted in this thread.  Shame on me. :(

Inexcuseable.  Go recite 3 Hail Marys. 