I bought a chair approximately 20 days ago. I bring it home. I start assembling the chair. A part is missing. I can't assemble the chair without it. So I call the store and they transfer me to another number for disputes. So I tell them about the missing part and they are like, "we're putting this dispute on fast track" or some shit like that "and they are gonna call me in a few days". A week later I call again and they are like "guy who you called forgot, we're putting this dispute on fast track". So two days later I call again and they are like "guy is gonna call you to tell you when he's gonna come by to give you the part". So the guy calls the same day and tells me he's gonna be here tomorrow. I wasn't home that day but grandpa was and he told me the guy just came to see what was missing but didn't actually bring the missing part. He gave grandpa some "dispute paper". I come home and call them and they are like "the guy needs to bring us the paper and then we're gonna send you the part". So on Tuesday they call to tell me the guy will visit today to give me the part. He called me few minutes ago to tell me that he'll be here in 30 minutes to bring me part X. I need part Y. He's like "k, not gonna come today after all". For fuck's sake. Now I'm gonna call again to tell them if they don't give me the part by tomorrow, I'm bringing the chair back to the store to ask for my money back.