Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

But I did go elsewhere! I went of to check the differences between the UK and US keyboard layout (as your image had the US variation) and was about to give some boring details. :huh:
I was just reading through some of the old Madness threads. You should do it some time - there has been some real gems posted. :D
Albie said:
I was just reading through some of the old Madness threads. You should do it some time - there has been some real gems posted. :D

I do it from time to time

my best is searching the old 100k archieves; sometimes you can find interesting stuff; like an old quote of you -long time before we start to chat regulary- when you were saying something like "sacrwfying no5 or a dog....."

I read the very beginning of this thread, Ancient_Mariner posted OK OK OK literally 10,000 times lol

Back when posts counted in the madness forum
Put a go up image of H  :blush:

Make that post 9999 lol

Murray can be 10,000  :P
Oh, come on! I'm triple posting here! LOL
Well, all right, it's not "true" triple posting, but you know what I mean  :P
Powergirl81 said:
I read the very beginning of this thread, Ancient_Mariner posted OK OK OK literally 10,000 times lol

Back when posts counted in the madness forum

whot :!!  there was a time when madness posts counted ^ -where the hell is the symbol of question in this keyboard ,erde
Powergirl81 said:
Put a go up image of H  :blush:

your wish is done princess
LC told me that something likr, back in the day, people would post meaningless fodder in an important thread, so when he became a mod the mods decided that posts in the Best Of/Madness forum wouldn't count towards your post count, or something like that. You'd better ask him for the true story. I'm only going from memory...

Powergirl81 said:
LC told me that something likr, back in the day, people would post meaningless fodder in an important thread, so when he became a mod the mods decided that posts in the Best Of/Madness forum wouldn't count towards your post count, or something like that. You'd better ask him for the true story. I'm only going from memory...


you mean that LC is responsible for the non-count of ,qdness -best of §
interesting !

it s funny how you become moderator; one Friday morning you get a PM from the admin who makes you an offer that you can t refuse  :ninja:
He said that he and SMX became mods on the same day. In like...2004 or something.

I think he was just asked, because there was only...uh...maybe Maverick at the time? I'm not sure.
Powergirl81 said:
He said that he and SMX became mods on the same day. In like...2004 or something.

I think he was just asked, because there was only...uh...maybe Maverick at the time? I'm not sure.

ah yes ? 

:yey: I finqlly found it !!

You put a picture of my keyboard on there, how about your keyboard? You have all those letters with accents on them...a, e,

Hell, all I have is a key with ` and ~ lol

~~````~~~```~~~~~~~`````~~~~~~ Looks like Morse Code lol
Powergirl81 said:
You put a picture of my keyboard on there, how about your keyboard? You have all those letters with accents on them...a, e,

Hell, all I have is a key with ` and ~ lol

~~````~~~```~~~~~~~`````~~~~~~ Looks like Morse Code lol

yeah where is the numbers in YOURS they are the accents in mine

wait I ll search for an image

I see. Your letters are under the numbers  :ok:

I'd be totally lost  :lol:

Albie, what's your keyboard look like?  :lol:

Lovely discussion we're having  :blink:
I hated that song when it came out!  :lol:

Too annoying

...BTW, I watched the music video for Accident Of Birth and found out (to my disappointment, sort of) that Roy Z plays the solo and not H!  :S

But H was way sexy in that video and it made up for it  :blush: He was playing that golden Les Paul from back when he first joined Maiden in 1980  ;)
Then why do his solos sound like H?! lol

On that Iron Maiden archive, the videos for Chemical Wedding and Road To Hell weren't available anymore...I was looking forward to seeing them...oh well.