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It's cheese-colored slices of rubber that we're supposed to believe is the best "cheese" ever. Thanks, Obama.
I am not American nor have I been there on a cheese holiday but I am led to believe that many yanks feel that their 'American Cheese' has been misrepresented in the global community. Apparently its decent stuff but the wider world sees it as squares of rubbery gack. We get squares of rubbery gack in Ireland, mainly made by Kraft. It aint no cheese, man, but it does the trick when placed on top of a burger and thats a fact.

Can/will an American testify that your national cheese aint no rubbery gack?

Yours Severely,

Global Cheese Eater
No, it is garbage, rubbery gack. From Wikipedia:

Today’s American cheese is, by law, required to be manufactured from at least 2 types of cheese. Because its manufacturing process differs from "unprocessed"/raw/natural cheeses,[1] American cheese can not be legally sold under the name (authentic) "cheese" in the US. Instead, federal (and even some state) laws mandate that it be labeled as "processed cheese" if simply made from combining more than one cheese,[2] or "cheese food" if dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese whey, or albumin from cheese whey are added.[3] As a result, sometimes even the word "cheese" is absent, altogether, from the product's labeling in favor of, e.g., "American slices" or "American singles". In the United Kingdom, packs of individually wrapped slices are labeled as "singles",[4] although they are commonly referred to as "cheese slices".

It's like the blended wine of cheese, and sometimes even that is giving too much credit. It's like buying "honey product" instead of "honey."

I am not American nor have I been there on a cheese holiday

I don't know what a Cheese Holiday is, but I can imagine it's probably the kind of holiday you'd want to spend alone. Or at least in separate rooms with good ventilation.
I just had a loud fight with my mom because she argued that there were no albums released on vinyl in 70s. Kept being defensive about it for some reason despite the obvious fact that she's wrong. I've been in some stupid fights in my time but holy hell, that one really deserved the Medal of Stupendous Boredom.
Ordered a Tailgunner shirt yesterday. I thought about having a Somewhere in Time shirt for the concert, but I also highly enjoy NPFtD. Also ordered earplugs aswell.
What does she think they were released on, cassette?

No, she argues that they didn't exist. Like, there was no albums. People only recorded singles. I can understand not being able to find them during those times (especially since we're not originally from a big city in the country), but to still deny their existence during those times. Holy moly.

It's either that, or that she doesn't know Long Play is a type of vinyl and that artists went into the studio to record albums and not just a single song or two.