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A rabbit walks into a store and asks the shopkeeper: - Got any carrots? The shopkeeper answers: -No.
The next day, the rabbit comes back and again it asks for carrots. The answer is still no.
After a week, the shopkeeper has lost his patience and says to the rabbit: If you come back one more time asking for carrots, I'll nail your ears to the wall!

The very next day, the rabbit still returns. He asks the shopkeeper:

-You got nails?
- No ...
- You got carrots?
That was the favourite joke of a friend at one time. :D I can't remember how many times I heard it.
I know that one a bit differently:

A rabbit walks into a store and asks the shopkeeper: 'You got carrots?'
The shopkeeper answers: 'No.'
The rabbit leaves only to return the next day and asks: 'You got carrots?'
Again, the shopkeeper negates, the rabbit leaves and returns the next day. This goes on for a week and eventually, the shopkeeper is so annoyed that he buys a big bag of carrots and places them on the counter. The next day, the rabbit returns and the shopkeeper angrily points to the carrots on the counter.
The rabbit says,
See, you do got carrots!

Admittedly, the doctor's version is better.
Then there was this pretty bad joke that I read as a 7-year old and retold to our main teacher:

- I won the 2nd prize in a lottery yesterday!
- Congratulations, what did you win?
- A brand new Lada!
- Oh! And what was the first prize?
- A basket of fruit.

According to my four years younger brother, this teacher was still retelling that joke after I had finished that school.