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The only point of criticism I have is that I hear (next to the drums) some other "programmed" drum track (some light hi-hat) hump along, on the left side of the audio spectrum. That's the guide line the drummer had to use after the music was made? Perhaps if you'd remove that guideline it would become a little better. Still, it takes nothing away from the music. This is just minor observation.
Ok, well, just a personal preference then. I'd remove it, since the drums and the shaker are not always that equal in line. Then again, I am very focused on rhythmic aspects, most others might not hear that so no worries.
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The only point of criticism I have is that I hear (next to the drums) some other "programmed" drum track (some light hi-hat) hump along, on the left side of the audio spectrum. That's the guide line the drummer had to use after the music was made? Perhaps if you'd remove that guideline it would become a little better. Still, it takes nothing away from the music. This is just minor observation.
Happy with the amount of cowbell?