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Could they fit it inside the kitchen at all?
You shoulda seen the kitchen!

But in all seriousness, fantastic food. Best wings and ribs I've ever had.


I am getting excited for the Canadian election. It looks like our NDP - basically a social democratic party - have a good shot of winning. Yay socialism!
The IOC is the second most corrupt organization in sports, just after FIFA and just before the people who inflate balls for the Patriots.
People are idiots. I had clean clothes and clean hair when I got to the show (only saying this because about 80% of metalheads on this show don't shower more than once a week... I'm guessing by their smell :puke:). Then on the first song someone threw a full beer glass from far behind me and I was completely drenched and on the second song I got a boot in the forehead from a stagediver.
People are idiots. I had clean clothes and clean hair when I got to the show (only saying this because about 80% of metalheads on this show don't shower more than once a week... I'm guessing by their smell :puke:). Then on the first song someone threw a full beer glass from far behind me and I was completely drenched and on the second song I got a boot in the forehead from a stagediver.

It's sad, but true. Most shows I go to anymore I can't stand to be up front because I really can't enjoy myself if I'm being doused with beer, stepped on, shoved from side to side, and kicked in the head by lame ass crowdsurfers.
I've only ever been to two shows, I was on the front right next to the stage on the first one, and way back on the second one. The latter was miles better. I could see the band clearly and I wasn't worried about anything else. Way more comfortable.
Except for metal shows at clubs and Maiden in 2000, every show I've been to has had assigned seats. I like seats so much better than being pushed around by drunk people.