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Voluntary exile. "Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven." He rage-quit his job buggering innocents for The Almighty's amusement (see: Book of Job) and is now slumming in the Brimstone Arms.
Professional Sports General Manager comments on whether he'd want Harry Potter to play seeker on a pro Quidditch team:

"Injury-prone bastard. There's only a 3-game season, yet he only played in 9 games his entire 6-year career. Some of this was outside his control, but seriously? You can't count on the guy.

1st year: Recovering in hospital after getting his face grabbed by kind-of-dead guy. Gryffindor is crushed, loses Inter-House Cup.
2nd year: Season cancelled because Harry doesn't use his Parsel-tonguedness quick enough to prevent people from being attacked.
3rd year: Harry plays full season. Team wins cup, despite losing first game to Hufflepuff because Harry passes out because of Dementors.
4th year: Triwizard Tournament cancels season. Harry flies broomstick in tournament anyway, because he's a show-off.
5th year: Harry Potter is banned from competition by Dolores Umbridge due to personal conduct. POSSIBLE BEHAVIORAL ISSUES? RED FLAG.
6th year: vs Hufflepuff: doesn't miss game, but is knocked unconscious and doesn't finish it. Loses game. Ravenclaw: Gets detention due to more personal conduct. Can no one control this kid?
7th year: Harry goes camping in the woods with hot girl, doesn't play. Lacks dedication to game.

Harry's Record:
v. Slytherin: 5-0
v. Ravenclaw: 1-0
v. Hufflepuff: 1-2

So unless your team's victory advances a JK Rowling plot point, what you've got with Potter is a .500 keeper. (Seriously, he has a losing record against Hufflepuff.)"
I want to point out that in the books, Hermione is decidedly not hot. She is attractive, especially when she takes the time to clean up, but she's never described as drop-dead gorgeous. We aren't sure if this is because Harry has no lustful feelings towards her, but it's very rare that Rowling uses positive physical terms to describe Hermione, compared to, say, the Patils or Cho Chang. We're conditioned to think Hermione is smoking because Emma Watson is a decidedly attractive individual, but really, she wasn't.

/potter nerd
You could argue of course, that Emma Watson was originally cast when she was, what, ten? So this fuckup is not the production's fault. :P

You could argue of course, that Emma Watson was originally cast when she was, what, ten? So this fuckup is not the production's fault. :p

I don't think it was hard to see Emma Watson would be an attractive woman when she grew up. Pretty much everyone was raving about how amazingly cute she was as a child.

Same people were also raving about Daniel Radcliffe being very cute but he didn't turn out as attractive as people imagined. :p