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As in stuck...you can't go anywhere?
Correct. The doors to my building are locked and guards are watching all exits. Nobody goes out, nobody comes in.

The Sergeant-at-Arms, a ceremonial parliamentary guard, is being credited for taking down the first shooter as he attempted to access the caucus chamber and start shooting Members of Parliament. I hate to say this - I truly do - but this sounds like someone was planning to assassinate the Prime Minister. That is my gut feeling, not based on any stated facts.
If so, it seems that announcing your presence by shooting up Parliament first is not a wise decision. But then, no one claimed wisdom was involved here.
If I had to guess, the first man shot, the soldier, stopped the shooter as he approached Parliament and fucked up the plan. That is conjecture based on the timeline and the erratic nature of what we do know, not reported fact. But it seems to fit.
No, the incident started with a soldier being shot in the open at the Canadian War Memorial. That soldier has died.
So now there's 3 incidents of a soldier being killed, a gunman being killed in Parliament and shooting in a mall. That's fucking insane.

Picture from inside the parliament.
So now there's 3 incidents of a soldier being killed, a gunman being killed in Parliament and shooting in a mall. That's fucking insane.
1 soldier killed. Then a gunman attempted to get into Parliament and was killed. Then a second shooter opened fire in the mall.
Stay safe LC!

(Apparently Dutch police is also extra alert on acts of terror. There's extra surveillance on places where many people go, such as train stations.
That measurement is a reaction on last Monday's assault on two military in Canada (and current developments).

I read that Canadian military are not allowed to walk the streets in uniform. That measurement also applies to the Netherlands.)