Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

That should be a crime.

I have a certain cousin who did the same thing. I could write endless paragraphs with remark on issues I have with her parenting, but let's say that the smoking set the standard for the care of her son. Oh, he's 11 and goes to bed before his 8 years younger sister. See, if they keep the sister awake longer they get to sleep longer in the morning. So it's, good night Simon!

Solid drummer (and excellent band as well).

Edit: The Number of The Beast!
Wow, Ripper utterly nailed the scream.
All my speakers were on maximum volume and I only noticed when I started playing Amon Amarth. And of course, Twilight of the Thunder God starts with a blast.
Just finished sipping on a cold drink, watching an Italian band cover Pearl Jam on the banks of the Tiber.
Only experienced it for about 10 hours now.
Liked the nighttime vibe better than the day.
All my speakers were on maximum volume and I only noticed when I started playing Amon Amarth. And of course, Twilight of the Thunder God starts with a blast.
Ah, so you do like some stuff with death metal type vocals. I've never seen those types of bands on the playlists you've put up. Some of my favorites are Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, and As I Lay Dying(well, they won't be around again any time soon since Tim Lambesis is in prison for trying to hire someone to kill his wife).
God I wish Iced Earth still had Richard Christy behind the kit...I must've seen him play with them at least 5-6 times. One of the most powerful, dynamic drummers I've ever seen live. No Iced Earth drummer before or since can compare.

Yes, he is quite good. But I think his prank call prowess is even greater. I posted more Christy vids (including my all-time favorite "werewolf" call) in the Iced Earth thread here: http://forum.maidenfans.com/threads/iced-earth.15485/page-56#post-436460
We need to post more here. Post no. 75000 is getting close. So I'm gonna post this post to keep the posting going :D