Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

There's a scab on a wound on my elbow and I keep hitting things with it. Now the whole thing came loose and the wound is bloody again. Bloody hell!
Looks like I'll be leaving Arizona in about a month! My girlfriend got a great job in...Salt Lake City...so we're heading up there mid/late August.

Downside - hard to get beer.
Upside - SNOW! RAIN! WEATHER! Joy.
I had kinda hoped there would be more pages to keep me entertained :)

Last work day for a while, kinda excited about that!

Also, MrKnicks-- have fun in Utah!!
My pizza has arrived and it only took 20 minutes! To make it even better, I asked for a regular size but they made me a large one by mistake and didn't charge me extra! :edmetal:
My pizza has arrived and it only took 20 minutes! To make it even better, I asked for a regular size but they made me a large one by mistake and didn't charge me extra! :edmetal:

Seems like you're having someone else's pizza... and some poor sod is trying to feed his family with a regular one.
I think it's just a different type of 'scare'. Making people jump is a sudden shock but it wears off fast, whereas the slow impending danger of a zombie in things like the original Dawn of the Dead is different, old horror films I think went more for psychological affairs with sound in particular being put to better use. The kind of things that when you are lying alone in the dark later on you're far more likely to be thinking "did I just hear something?".... they leave a longer impression.

I'd say the older method is better, but people don't seem to scare the same way anymore, perhaps making them jump is the only way to have any sort of shock effect now, and people simply laugh at those old films.