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I don't even like milk with chocolate. Milk is milk, chocolate is chocolate. How can anyone destroy both in a liquid mixture?
So so. But i prefer the black, by far.

I don't know why but as a kid i never liked milk+chocolate.
Do you mean milk chocolate? I didn't know there was such a thing as milk+chocolate. Anyway, milk chocolate could be the best sweet food ever. Never liked black chocolate and can't understand why 90% of the time when someone gets someone else a gift, there has to be a DARK chocolate :D.
hum... i don't know what you're meaning, but in some countries chocolate is either white or black.

I never actually heard that expression, "dark chocolate". If that is how is known in English language, then sorry for my ignorance.
Did I mention that I can't wait to see Maiden in June?

I can't wait to see Maiden in June. I had a dream last night that I was at the concert and that they played Where Eagles Dare.