It's about 6 inches long. I guess I could give it a try. I'll have to ask my uncle what site he got it from and see if they claim them to be actual replicas. It came from Australia.Well if it's even smaller than those, than yea it might be hard to play.
How big is that guitar Travis?
Hey, me too!I forgot to mention that watching Eddie Van Halen play the little guitar was very amusing and everytime I hear that song, "Catch as catch" sounds like "Etch-a-sketch"
Oh lol, I totally thought it was bigger than that. I know what you're talking about now, I've seen those before too. Definitely not something you'd actually play And not sure what you mean by actual replica, if you mean actual replica of a strat then it probably is. But definitely not an actual replica of something Maiden would play.It's about 6 inches long. I guess I could give it a try. I'll have to ask my uncle what site he got it from and see if they claim them to be actual replicas. It came from Australia.