Dr. Eddies Wingman Brighter than thousand_suns Jan 31, 2014 #65,663 Good morning to you all. Started the day with a 2,5 hour long meeting.
Brigantium Blood Empress Staff member Jan 31, 2014 #65,664 ^Oh joy! I was hoping for Chinese food tonight but there's a fairly good chance the takeaway will be closed.
^Oh joy! I was hoping for Chinese food tonight but there's a fairly good chance the takeaway will be closed.
Black Wizard Pleb Hunter Jan 31, 2014 #65,668 You could always get some Chinese food from the supermarket Brig.
Brigantium Blood Empress Staff member Jan 31, 2014 #65,669 No. That's just not right, it never tastes the same.
Ariana Black-and-white leopard Jan 31, 2014 #65,670 http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/where-in-the-uk-should-you-actually-live I got London.
LooseCannon Enterprise-class aircraft carrier Staff member Jan 31, 2014 #65,671 Chinese food sounds like a plan for supper, actually.
LooseCannon Enterprise-class aircraft carrier Staff member Jan 31, 2014 #65,672 Oh dear god. I'm a Geordie.
Saapanael Ancient Mariner Jan 31, 2014 #65,678 Hey there. I'm actually back tomorrow night but got a chance to satisfy my wi-fi needs.
The Flash Dennis Wilcock did 9/11 Jan 31, 2014 #65,680 The Flash said: Cornwall for me. Click to expand... I did it for a second time with more care and it's Edinburgh.
The Flash said: Cornwall for me. Click to expand... I did it for a second time with more care and it's Edinburgh.