Brigantium Blood Empress Staff member Jan 12, 2014 #64,481 At this rate, that thread will beat this one to 100,000 posts!
The Flash Dennis Wilcock did 9/11 Jan 12, 2014 #64,482 That thread doubled the pace of this thread in the last 4 days. However form is temporary, class is permanent.
That thread doubled the pace of this thread in the last 4 days. However form is temporary, class is permanent.
LooseCannon Enterprise-class aircraft carrier Staff member Jan 12, 2014 #64,483 Ah, well said, Flash. Well said. I'm eating a bologna sandwich.
Mosh PM me your Black Sabbath album rankings! Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,484 Anyone want to break the tie between Fairies Wear Boots and NIB? Anyone want to break the tie between Fairies Wear Boots and NIB?
Mosh PM me your Black Sabbath album rankings! Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,487 Thanks a lot! You two also picked the correct song, so that was nice too.
Mosh PM me your Black Sabbath album rankings! Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,488 And now I just realized that Flash meant to vote for Fairies as well, so there wasn't a tie in the first place.
And now I just realized that Flash meant to vote for Fairies as well, so there wasn't a tie in the first place.
M Moon Child Ancient Mariner Jan 13, 2014 #64,489 !!! Well, we just helped to vote out Fairies even more!
Travis The Dragon AFTERGLOW!!! Jan 13, 2014 #64,490 For every reply someone puts in a game thread, they should also put a reply in this thread.
Perun 23:58:31 Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,495 Alright, alright. I'm on my way. Don't wet your pants.
Perun 23:58:31 Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,497 Monday, 10 am and I've already had it with this week.
Night Prowler Customer Deathcycle Manager Staff member Jan 13, 2014 #64,498 What a great start to this day
Unknown One I see the ghost of navigators. Jan 13, 2014 #64,500 I think he's referring to Milan's coach getting sacked or whatever. It was in one of the other threads.
I think he's referring to Milan's coach getting sacked or whatever. It was in one of the other threads.