Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

It might help if I was more into Manowar. :p

Come on, how could you not be into this:


Has anyone else noticed all the spam being posted? Most of them have to do with downloading bootlegged movies.
Both Dostoyevski and Tolstoy are fantastic writers. I've read Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, The House of the Dead, The Gambler and Notes from Underground by the former; War and Peace, Anna Karenina, The Cossacks, Hadji Murat and The Death of Ivan Ilyich by the latter. All of them are recommended. I like Dostoyevski a lot more though, I think he's a genius.

I prefer Dostoyevski by far, I just find his style a lot more captivating. The Idiot is one of my favourite books ever.
I saw the film The Idiot by Kurosawa, one of my favourite directors, and wanted to share this (copied from wiki):

The film is based on the novel The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and was filmed in black and white at an aspect ratio of 1.37:1. This was Kurosawa's second film for the Shochiku studio, after the previous year's Scandal.

Originally intended to be a two-part film with a running time of 265 minutes, the film was severely cut at the request of the studio, against Kurosawa's wishes, after a single poorly received screening of the full-length version. When the re-edited version was also deemed too long by the studio, Kurosawa sardonically suggested the film be cut lengthwise instead. According to Japanese film scholar Donald Richie, there are no existing prints of the original 265-minute version. Kurosawa would return to Shochiku forty years later to make Rhapsody in August, and, according to Alex Cox, is said to have searched the Shochiku archives for the original cut of the film to no avail.

"Of all my films, people wrote to me most about this one... ...I had wanted to make The Idiot long before Rashomon. Since I was little I've liked Russian literature, but I find that I like Dostoevsky the best and had long thought that this book would make a wonderful film. He is still my favourite author, and he is the one — I still think — who writes most honestly about human existence."

—Akira Kurosawa
Has anyone else noticed all the spam being posted? Most of them have to do with downloading bootlegged movies.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.

I prefer Dostoyevski by far, I just find his style a lot more captivating. The Idiot is one of my favourite books ever.

I've heard so many good things about that book, I think I'll put it in my queue.