Happy new year, people.
Tonight was quite the adventure. A negative one, sadly. The minute I thought about going to the party of my classmates, I knew it wasn't going to be an event to my utter liking but I felt the need to go. This, however, was even more disappointing than I had expected. I feel like I can't relate to almost any of my real life "friends" anymore. Sounds like a cliche but I hate what people my age like. They are over-energetic, listen to crap music. Overly cancerous in everything they do. Every single song was something sung by a black man and the lyrics were about weed or sex. EVERY single song. Luckily, I was able to blast Judas Priest for a short while when the others were out. Then the greatest thing happened to me. The step-dad of the classmate of mine at who's place the thing happened came into the room, glanced at the TV, saw Halford's face and asked how this came to be. I said I put it on and thanked him for being the first person with great taste that night. This makes me sad because I might never even be able to talk to that man again. Besides, it isn't like I couldn't accept people listening to other music but if it goes on for hours and hours with every minute being filled with another stupid saying or sentence like: "Oh my god, this year's gonna be so crazy, man. Last year was for drinking, 2014 is for smoking", it gets unbearable. So I crashed at another friend's place for a moment, he fell asleep and I wanted to come home with the first bus. Since it's national holiday, buses won't start driving until 7 AM. Took a taxi, paid quite a lot but damn, I'm here. At least the taxi guy was nice, talked a bit with him. Home, sweet home. It's 5:51.
It's not like all this came as a surprise to me but every time it seems to get worse. I contact with these people less and less and feel wrong if I never get in touch with them but having to put up with their

is just asking too much. Sorry for the rant, needed to let this out of my system.