Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

We're almost there. Just 12 minutes to go. I think I'm going to be the first one to celebrate the new year out of all regular posters around here.
UO is from Australia, it's been New Years for awhile now out there. :p
Happy new year, people.

Tonight was quite the adventure. A negative one, sadly. The minute I thought about going to the party of my classmates, I knew it wasn't going to be an event to my utter liking but I felt the need to go. This, however, was even more disappointing than I had expected. I feel like I can't relate to almost any of my real life "friends" anymore. Sounds like a cliche but I hate what people my age like. They are over-energetic, listen to crap music. Overly cancerous in everything they do. Every single song was something sung by a black man and the lyrics were about weed or sex. EVERY single song. Luckily, I was able to blast Judas Priest for a short while when the others were out. Then the greatest thing happened to me. The step-dad of the classmate of mine at who's place the thing happened came into the room, glanced at the TV, saw Halford's face and asked how this came to be. I said I put it on and thanked him for being the first person with great taste that night. This makes me sad because I might never even be able to talk to that man again. Besides, it isn't like I couldn't accept people listening to other music but if it goes on for hours and hours with every minute being filled with another stupid saying or sentence like: "Oh my god, this year's gonna be so crazy, man. Last year was for drinking, 2014 is for smoking", it gets unbearable. So I crashed at another friend's place for a moment, he fell asleep and I wanted to come home with the first bus. Since it's national holiday, buses won't start driving until 7 AM. Took a taxi, paid quite a lot but damn, I'm here. At least the taxi guy was nice, talked a bit with him. Home, sweet home. It's 5:51.

It's not like all this came as a surprise to me but every time it seems to get worse. I contact with these people less and less and feel wrong if I never get in touch with them but having to put up with their :turd: is just asking too much. Sorry for the rant, needed to let this out of my system.
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Aww Saap! :( First off, don't be sorry. It's perfectly ok to rant when you need to, especially to people who understand you. Secondly, I'm sorry to hear that you had a shitty time with your classmates, except for the awesome step dad part. A lot of times when you post stuff like this, you kind of remind me of myself when I was a teen so I can identify with you pretty easily it seems so I feel like I know what you're going through. You're a good kid, Saap. Don't ever change. A lot of today's teens are just ridiculous. I can't stand it! It's the same here too. I mean, just the other day, my husband and I went to the mall and these boys were jumping over these post things and when a security officer came by and told them to stop, you know what they did? They kept doing it! Like they didn't care. Just to act all badass and cool. I hate kids like that... Ha, there's my little rant. But anyway, just keep doing what you're doing and follow the beat of your own drum...so to speak. :)
Being myself is very important. Many of them seem to think that they have to agree with each other on certain things to relate to them more. I can't do that, it's plain wrong. Why fake it?
I can get by on my own pretty well but seeing how they appreciate the wrong things and have role models in the wrong people makes me sad. It's like I'm in a constant dilemma between people and myself but whatever choice I make, some bad consequences are bound to follow.
That's an awesome way to think about it. Don't worry about what they do or how they think or what they think about you. You are your own person and you think for yourself. Stay true to yourself, that's all you have to do. Make decisions that are right for you. Sure, you may make some mistakes along the way but that is apart of growing up. We've all been through it and we still go through it. It's life.
So, as I sit here drinking alone (like George Thorogood :P), I've been reflecting back on the past year I've had. A lot has definitely happened for me, positive and negative. Things that have brightened my days, things that brought me down to a low, things I've learned from, things that were out of my control. A lot of moments I'll never forget and some that I wish never happened. But as we all know, that's life for you. Always throwing things at you and challenging you. I've also met and come to know some amazing people, most of which reside here on the forum. You guys are awesome! :D

In closing, I'm looking forward to the new year and what it holds. Hopefully, some good changes will happen for me and I'll work on some much needed personal ones. Happy New Year to everyone! I wish all the best for you in the new year. :cheers: