Just read a news article about a recent EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) meta-study of available research on the effects of the sweetener aspartame (which, as many of you know, widely used in sugar-free drinks). The study concludes that consumption within the already established limits is not harmful in any way.
Enter the conspiracy nuts. The first comment of course pulled one of the silliest arguments out of his hat - it contains methanol! Well, first - no. It is correct that one of the products of metabolism of aspartame is methanol, though. However, the amount of methanol you will have in your bloodstream after drinking e.g. Diet Coke is less than you get from drinking orange juice without aspartame ... but will the conspiracy nuts listen to such arguments? No, and those who put these arguments forward are met with either "follow the money" or "you must be paid by the industry to misinform the public".
And it doesn't stop with aspartame, of course. The same goes for vaccines, other conventional medicine, and lots of other areas. And the ones who see conpsiracies are almost religious in their convinctions. Not just religious. Fanatically so.
Rant over.