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Sounds great! I'm hoping to resume on my research work for my MA dissertation next week. I know I'm a freak, but I am really looking forward to it.
This day has been sarcastically successful so far. I'll make lunch now and then sit down and try to finish that paper I'd been working on for weeks on end now.
Because you live in England and nobody in their right mind there would contractually oblige themselves to send you outdoors only in nice weather?
It's more the waiting for the slightest bit of wind/snow/rain and then sending us out in search of scenes of disaster. Even my socks are soaked. :D
I'm trying to come up with something clever involving "to knock someone off their socks", but since your socks are soaked, it doesn't quite work.
Any other Maidenfans get yelled at by their mayor yesterday?
(no, it wasn't Rob Ford.)
Any other Maidenfans get yelled at by their mayor yesterday?
(no, it wasn't Rob Ford.)

No, I only ever had two encounters with mayors in my life. One was the mayor of Dachau whom my mother interviewed, and I apparently scratched his desk with a toy car that he gave me. Not that I remember any of it. The other was in school, because the mayor of the local village was also the owner of the region's largest butchery, and he gave my class a tour. We got free sausages in the end.
I've puked over a mayor. He may have yelled at me, but I don't remember. I must have been two at the time.
My father's best man was the mayor of my hometown at one point. Now he's the governor of the province.
If anyone here has an ipad and likes The Doors, there's a new app out that is worth looking into.

New video on the app featuring the first video with two remaining members Densmore and Krieger reminiscing about the band and paying tribute to Ray. They are really getting old, but they are still two way cool gentleman in my book :) This is just a short clip:

Oh man. I'm almost for re-introducing gladiatorial death matches, so there's no need to make everything more dramatic than it is in the news.
Today's weather has been bonkers. There was an area of low pressure moving over the north of Scotland during the night and the winds were absolutely horrific when I woke up at about 7am. When I went out I saw someone's fence wrecked and at about 9am the entire rail network in Scotland was closed. Down in Norfolk thousands of people have been evacuated because of a storm surge which could cause devastating flooding.

It's been four seasons in one day. Gale force winds, torrential rain, a bit of snow, and even a bit of sunshine at one point.